self harm (Shoto x reader)

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The soft glow of the evening sun cast a warm hue across your room as you traced the faint scars on your wrists. Lost in your thoughts, you were interrupted by a gentle knock on the door. Shoto stood there, a quiet concern etched across his face. "Can we talk?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

His sincerity resonated, and you found yourself opening up about the pain you'd been concealing. Shoto listened attentively, his dual-colored eyes reflecting empathy. "You're not alone in this," he reassured, reaching out to hold your hand. The connection was instantaneous, a lifeline tethering you to someone who genuinely cared.

In the following days, Shoto's support became a constant presence. He encouraged you to take the first step toward healing by approaching Recovery Girl. "I'll be right here with you," he promised, a subtle smile playing on his lips. His hand remained intertwined with yours as you faced the vulnerability of sharing your struggles.

Therapy sessions became a joint venture. Shoto attended with you, learning about the intricacies of your battles and how to provide the support you needed. His thoughtful gestures, like leaving handwritten notes expressing pride in your progress, became beacons of encouragement.

One day, he surprised you with a delicate bracelet adorned with small charms symbolizing strength and resilience. "For every step forward," he explained, his eyes filled with unwavering belief in your journey. The bracelet became a cherished reminder of the progress you were making, a tangible connection to Shoto's support.

As your recovery progressed, Shoto continued to surprise you with thoughtful gestures. He created a playlist of uplifting songs, carefully curated to lift your spirits during challenging moments. "Music has a way of healing," he grinned, sharing the earphones as you both enjoyed a quiet moment together.

The turning point came when, with Shoto by your side, you decided to discard the blades that had become a painful coping mechanism. He held you close, celebrating this victory with a tender hug. "You're stronger than you know," he whispered, his love enveloping you.

Identifying triggers became a collaborative effort. Shoto actively participated, helping recognize situations that required extra care. Dialogues flowed freely, and your connection deepened as you navigated the intricacies of healing together.

In the end, as you threw away the last remnants of your self-destructive habits, Shoto held you close, expressing his pride and joy. "You've come so far," he murmured, a genuine smile playing on his lips. The scars on your wrists, once symbols of pain, transformed into a narrative of resilience and growth, with Shoto's love as the guiding force.

In the earliest days, when the tendrils of vulnerability bound you, Shoto emerged as a steadfast symbol of hope during your first year at U.A. High School. His unwavering support transcended mere friendship.

As the seasons of high school went by, your connection with Shoto deepened. Shared laughter echoed in the corridors, and whispered conversations beneath the cherry blossoms revealed the blossoming of a love that defied the shadows of the past. Second and third years brought challenges, victories, and shared dreams, a delicate dance between two souls entwined by a bond that grew stronger with every shared triumph and comforting embrace.

Upon graduation, the prospect of diverging paths seemed daunting, but love, like an unyielding flame, prevailed. University years were marked by shared ambitions, as Shoto and you supported each other's endeavors, celebrating victories and facing challenges as a united front. Amidst the hustle of academic pursuits, quiet moments in libraries and coffee shops became the backdrop for whispered promises and stolen glances.

The pivotal juncture arrived when Shoto, in a moment that resonated with the essence of a romance novel, bent on one knee, presenting a ring that sparkled with the promises of forever. The proposal echoed through the years of shared struggles and triumphs, a testament to a love that had weathered the storms of self-discovery and growth.

Amidst the enchanting tapestry of a sunlit meadow, Shoto and you embarked on a chapter that would forever linger as the epitome of magic. The air was imbued with the heady scent of blooming flowers, the soft hum of nature's symphony accompanied by the fluttering of butterflies, as if the world itself had conspired to witness the union of two souls.

A lush canopy of vibrant blossoms formed a natural archway, guiding guests toward the heart of the meadow where an elegant altar stood adorned with delicate drapery and trailing ivy. As the sun dipped toward the horizon, casting a warm glow upon the celebration, the atmosphere seemed to shimmer with an ethereal radiance, embracing the promise of a love that transcended the mundane.

You, adorned in a gown that seemed woven from the very threads of dreams, walked down the aisle. The delicate lace trailed like whispers of affection, and the bouquet you held mirrored the hues of a sunset, a symbol of the journey that had led you to this sublime moment. The sun kissed your cheeks, casting a golden halo, as the anticipation in Shoto's eyes mirrored the unfolding marvel of the day.

Shoto, resplendent in a tailored suit, stood beneath the verdant arch, his eyes gleaming with the promise of a lifetime together. As you reached the altar, a palpable energy enveloped the meadow, an unseen force that bore witness to the sacred vows about to be exchanged.

The officiant's words, a poetic dance of promises and blessings, resonated through the meadow like a gentle breeze. Each vow uttered seemed to weave an invisible thread, binding Shoto and you in a tapestry of commitment and devotion. The exchange of rings, sparkling symbols of eternal love, echoed the sentiment that had matured through shared trials and triumphs.

Amidst the applause of nature itself, the officiant pronounced you partners for life, and the first kiss as a married couple ignited a burst of applause from the unseen audience of rustling leaves and singing birds. The meadow seemed to shimmer with approval, as if the very earth rejoiced in the union of kindred spirits.

The celebration that followed unfolded like a jubilant dance, where laughter and joy echoed beneath the stars. The meadow, adorned with twinkling lights, transformed into a realm of enchantment, a space where the ephemeral magic of the day lingered, an everlasting chapter in the book of your shared love story.

In the hushed haven of your shared abode, Shoto and you sought refuge upon an opulent settee. His fingers, both tender and deliberate, orchestrated a delicate sonnet through the silken strands of your hair, each caress echoing the haunting melody of your intertwined past. This tactile communion transcended mere touch; it was an ethereal waltz, an eloquent expression of a narrative etched into the tapestry of shared history.

"Reflecting upon the corridors of our high school memories feels akin to perusing the pages of a cherished novel, Shoto."

Shoto's fingers, a maestro's instrument, wove intricate arabesques with each movement, carrying the weight of untold stories-a silent conversation underscored by the rhythmic grace of his touch.

"Those chapters, molding us into the individuals we are today, constitute a journey marked by the entire spectrum of emotion." Shoto adds

As you unveiled the tales of transformative years, Shoto's touch metamorphosed into a language, a nuanced discourse expressing profound empathy and understanding.

"Your unwavering presence during those tumultuous times stands as a pivotal chapter, shaping our narrative in ways unforeseen." You whisper quietly

A fleeting pause in his tender motions, a shared gaze, and Shoto conveyed a profound depth of understanding-an unspoken acknowledgment of the challenges navigated together.

"Guiding you toward strength wasn't merely a choice; it was a privilege. And it remains so." Shoto murmurs.

The narrative unfolded gracefully through the delicate dance of fingertips-a tactile testament to resilience, healing, and shared growth. Shoto's touch, a nuanced expression of unwavering support, resonated beyond the realm of spoken words.

"Your touch, Shoto, remains my constant anchor, steadying me through every storm, especially during those darker times."

The caress of his fingers resumed, seamlessly intertwining with the emotional currents of your conversation. In the candlelit ambiance of your sanctuary, laughter and reminiscence merged effortlessly, and the nuanced dance of touch and words mirrored the multilayered richness of your relationship.

This harmonious symphony of tactile and verbal connection became a crescendo-a testament to the love that had matured from the uncertainties of high school into a tapestry woven with shared experiences, resilience, and understanding.

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