thirty five

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AN: i appologize in advance for any spelling mistakes bc i didnt review it as thoroughly as i'd like to just bc i wanna post it as soon as possible for you guys :)


"For crying out loud! Settle down!" Ashton yelled at the top of his lungs, rocking back and fourth in his seat. Since he was in the middle seat, he was practically rocking the whole car and I was literally about to puke.

I was sitting at the window with my head resting in my hand, closing my eyes and trying my best to zone out for a while. I had kind of a car-sickness situation going on, so everything at the moment was making me queezy.

"Everyone sing with me!" Ashton said. Calum leaned forward and our eyes met, and he had the same look of annoyance on his face that I did.

"I think Ashton had one too many cake-pops." he muttered.

"Agreed." Luke sighed from the drivers seat.

"What? No I didn't!" Ashton frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. "Right Stubby?"

"You had like, five." I replied.

"But they were yummy...and- oh wait! I love this song!" Ashton yelped and pushed me up against the window. We've been listening to The 1975 pretty much all night, and as much as I loved this album, I was amazed that Ashton wasn't the least bit bored. Honestly, I think it's the cake-pops.

"She said it's nice to have your friends round! We're watching a-"

"Ashton?" I said nicely, tapping him on his shoulder. Ashton paused and turned to me. "Yes Stubby?"

"Do you think you could be a little bit quieter?" I asked, trying to hold back a laugh. As much as Ashton was making my head hurt, he was kind of amusing at the same time.

"What, am I too loud?" Ashton wondered.

"Yes." we all groaned at the same time. Ashton shrunk back in his seat and frowned.


"Yes," Michael replied, turning the volume down a little. "Shut up."

"Oh," Ashton said quietly. He slumped back and hugged his knees up to his chest. "Okay. Nevermind."

"I'll sing with you when we get out of the car," I said, leaning over and resting my head on his shoulder. "And once the cake-pops wear out."

"I didn't have that many!" he giggled.

"Ashton we all know what sugar does to you," Calum pointed out while the others nodded their heads in agreement. I don't think I've experienced this yet.

"What does it do?" I chuckled, looking up at Ashton.

"It makes me wanna party!" he pecked my lips. "Let's go to a party."

"Well we can't right now," Luke grumbled, leaning forward and gripping the steering wheel tighter. "We still have a little ways to go."

"Luke are you tired?" Ashton asked, more seriously than before. I think everyone could tell that Luke was a little out of it at the moment, because he wasn't talking much, and when he did it was to tell Ashton to shut up.

"I've been driving all night," he sighed, taking one hand off the wheel and resting his head in his palm. "It's okay, though. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I like this song."

"I knew you would," Ashton said slyly, draping his arm over my shoulder. "Everyone should like The 1975."

Burn ▹ Ashton IrwinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ