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"Hey," I heard a faint and soft voice beside me. It jerked me out of sleep when it got louder, and I began to feel the feeling of a hand nudging my shoulder. "Skylar."

"Huh." I mumbled with my eyes still shut. Half my brain was awake and the rest was still dead asleep, but my nerves and muscles were starting to wake up on their own. As that hand kept nudging at me, I recognized it to be Ashton's fingers and his voice speaking to me. I was also able to feel the leather of the passenger seat that was sticking to my thighs and the seat belt that was still strapped over my body, but I was still too tired to open my eyes. Not even a peak to see where the hell we were, because I could sense the broad daylight was going to sting and I just didn't want to get up. The part of me that was starting to wake up was longing for a soft bed to be in at the moment, with Ashton right next to me, and the other part that was still asleep wanted to stay like that.

"Go back to bed." I said without thought. I tried to turn on my side, but I couldn't really do that since I was practically sitting up in a car. I heard Ashton chuckle beside me, and he gave my arm one more rub before speaking.

"C'mon babe," he chirped. "I need you to get up."

That was when he finally succeeded at waking up, for my eyes instantly shot open and I sat up. His little statement woke me up real good, sending a mild army of butterflies through my stomach. I'm almost positive a heard a subtle "babe" in his sweet tone, and I only hoped I was right. I'm pretty sure I was, and that perked me up like I've been awake all morning. I swear I'm trying not to treat this like a stupid school crush, but it's quite hard to. Even when I think about Ashton I get all jittery and internally excited, and I'm pretty sure I had a dream about him last night. I don't remember what it was about but I'm pretty sure he was in there. And plus, I don't even consider this a crush. What is this at all?

"Okay," I nodded with one more yawn. I stretched my arms and legs out as far as I could, and peered out the window to look at our surroundings. We were pulled up in a parking lot outside of a liqour store, and I did not recognize it at all. Well, I would assume that I wouldn't, considering I've never been here before. Wait - where is here again?

"I'm already getting confused," I laughed. I looked over to Ashton who was sat beside me, and he looked up from his phone as I spoke. Luckily he didn't look tired... well, he always looks tired, but he doesn't look "Ashton tired". But still, those dark circles around his eyes haven't gone away. I wonder how long it takes or how much sleep it takes for them to disappear.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Wow, Skylar." Ashton joked. "Already slacking on the job, huh? First you sleep in the car and make me drive, now you don't even know where we are?"

"But - I offered to stay up with you!" I protested. I was more than relieved to see that he looked cheery this morning; no sudden mood swings yet. "Don't get so butthurt, Ashton."

"My butt doesn't hurt, actually."

"That's not even what it - alright." I laughed. "Where the hell are we?"

"Mother fuckin' Atlanta!" he giggled. Yes, he giggled. I forgot he had the ability to do that, since I've only heard him giggle a few times. But still, it gave my heart an extremely warm feeling.

"Why?" I asked curiously. I know there is a reason, which was that weird envelope Ashton and I had recieved a few nights ago... but that date on the sheet of paper was set for next week. It said we had to be in the city next week.

"I mean - did I read the information wrong?" I asked. "You know, on the envelope?"

"Nah," Ashton shook his head. "I just wanted to come here. Because why not."

Burn ▹ Ashton IrwinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon