twenty six

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Ashton and I came back to the motel room around 7:00 that night, lugging shopping bags up the stairs and laughing about some stupid pun Ashton had said a few moments ago. The sun was already starting to set, the interest-sparking night life was already to come out, and I was feeling just as good as I was before. Today was nothing extremely exciting, but it was a good day. I liked today, and I think Ashton did too.

"Wait," Ashton said before opening the door, looking down at his phone. "Calum and Michael are out."

"Where did they go?" I wondered aloud.

"A bar," he replied, unlocking the door and pushing it open. "Luckies."

I sighed and made my way through the door, dropping my bags onto the floor beside the bed. Ashton walked in next and did the same, joining me when I slumped down onto the bed. "What should we do?" I asked. "Are you hungry?"

"I'm not," Ashton said. "Are you?"

"Only if you are," I shrugged. "I don't need dinner. Maybe I'll ask Calum to pick me up a burrito on the way back."

Ashton flopped down on his back and sprawled his arms over the mattess. "We can go back out, I don't mind."

"No, it's fine." I assured, laying down beside him. For a few moments we layed there looking at each other with our legs hanging off the side. Ashton's eyes scanned over mine and his lips tugged up in a little smile, reaching over to flick a few loose strands of hair out of my face.

"Are you thinking of something?" I asked. He had a faint look of concentration on his face and I wondered what was on his mind.

"Yeah," Ashton shrugged as he shifted his body, rolling over so he hovered over me. Our noses were just inches apart and he gave me an eskimo kiss before he whispered, "thinking about how much we should be making out right now."

His thumb traced little circles on the skin of my hip when he nudged my shirt up, sending thrilling chills down my spine. My eyes widened and I stared back into his, though now his weren't looking directly at mine. "You know?" he mumbled, taking small glances over my body. I made a couple of awkward squirms under his touch until I realized where this could lead. I was definitely up for it.

Ashton hovered his lips over mine for a few long moments, gently brushing them up against my mouth and my skin before pulling them away. "No." I blurted out, my eyes focused on his lips. Ashton let out a laugh and lowered his body onto mine again, his chest softly pressed up against mine. Tilting his head to the side with that dumb smirk on his face, his hot breath fanned over my neck and I squirmed around again. My wide eyes gazed from his messy hair to his face, across his plump pink lips and down to his collar bones that peeked out of his T-shirt. Impatience was more than just an understatement.

Finally I brought my arm out from underneath Ashton, gently draping it over his neck so I could finally force his lips to mine. When we finally met in a kiss it was much slower than I was aiming for, but I think slower was a better option. Ashton's lips dug into mine in a slow and deep motion, repeating the action over and over again until we had to each pull away for a quick breath. Before I could barely get any air into my lungs Ashton dipped his head back down and crashed his lips to mine again, still using his strong arms to prop him up ontop of me.

Ashton soon moved his lips to the side, gently sucking along my jaw line, gradually moving to my neck. He pressed his body down on mine harder, quietly muttering a "fuck" under his breath. I tilted my head to the side to give him all the access he wanted as he pressed little kisses along my neck, trailing his slightly open lips down my skin. His touch made me shiver in one place but burn up in another. I didn't know what to do so I kind of just layed there, until I found my fingers running through his soft hair and my legs wrapping around his waist. Damn, I have been missing out on this whole "making out" thing for 18 years.

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