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an: when sydney posts a picture on instagram of her wearing a leather jacket and you scream because its literally skylar

also I'm sorry i haven't been updating a lot but summer is practically here so that means lots of more updates coming your way! -ellena


"Okay, speed round. You ready?" I asked Ashton from where I sat across from him in the booth. He stuffed one last bite of his burrito bowl from Chipotle into his mouth and nodded, sitting back in his seat. "Go for it." he said.

I had all the answers saved in my phone from a long time ago, probably from when I was bored one day and punched a bunch of different numbers into a calculator. I opened my notes and found a list of a variety of large numbers either being multiplied, divided, added, or subtracted by another.

"Seven hundred and forty-two times ninety six." I said quickly.

"Seventy-one thousand, two hundred and thirty-two." he said almost instantly.

"Eight thousand, two hundred and twenty-four times twelve."

Ashton glanced up at the light hanging above our table to think for only a split second. "Ninety-six thousand, six hundred and eighty-eight." he replied.

"Fourth thousand, five hundred and seventeen plus eighteen thousand, nine hundred and fifty-three." I threw out some more numbers. So far he was correct on all of them.

"Twenty three thousand, four hundred and seventy." He said, nodding at me for another.

"Six thousand, four hundred and eighty-six," I said a little louder this time, shocked that he was literally getting every single one of these right. "Divided by twenty-five."

"Two hundred, fifty-nine, point...four?"

"God dammit!" I exclaimed. "How are you doing this?"


"Wait, no. Keep going," I said. "Two thousand, nine hundred and forty-three minus one fifty-nine."

"Two thousand, seven hundred eighty-six."

I leaned forward and rested my arms on the table, staring at Ashton seriously without caring to blink. He did the exact same to me, but I could tell he was trying really hard not to start laughing.

"Seventy-eight thousand, three hundred and fifty-one plus six thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven." I said.

"Eighty five thousand, three hundred and thirty-eight."

"Eight thousand minus four hundred and fifty-six."

"Seven thousand, five hundred and forty-four."

"Nine thousand, six hundred and twenty-two times fourteen."

Ashton took a quick sip of his drink and paused, looking at me like he was about to burst out laughing. "You look like you're about to explode, Stubby."

"Asnwer it!" I demanded, slamming my hand over my mouth right after it came out. My suddenly high volume was causing at least ten people in the restaurant to glance at us and scoff.

"One hundred and thirty-four thousand..." Ashton breathed in and looked up, furrowing his eyebrows in thought.

"Go on," I nodded. According to the answer I had written down, he was right so far.

"Seven hundred and eight?"

"Ugh!" I groaned, tossing my phone onto the table in defeat. "I can't believe you!"

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