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AN: i've found myself having very bad writer's block lately, so i'm sorry if this chapter is terrible :-( but thanks for reading! i hope you like this plot, I have a soft spot for this kind of ashton lol

This is also a pretty long chapter, but I really wanted to get everything started and I didn't want to split it into two chapters. okay yay :)


My eyes shot open the next morning to the sound of the front door slamming shut. I was surprised that I was even sleeping at all, actually. One would think that I wouldn't get any sleep whatsoever, especially after all of that happened. Honestly, it was all just last night. It was all last night when I was on he verge of being murdered, so how could I just get a good night's sleep? Believe me, I really tried to just lay down and stay cam about everything, but I couldn't help the paranoia that shoved it's way into my system, refusing to leave the whole night. I just kept on thinking that someone like that maniac Derek was gonna come in and hurt me, or rob me, or do anything else. Even though I highly doubt that he knows where I live, I was just very shaky after all of that. I might've gotten two hours of shut eye at the most.

So now, I was sitting up in my not-so-comfortable-anymore bed, staring at the bedroom door with wide and weary eyes. I could've sworn the front door had slammed shut, for that's the first thought that came to my mind when the noise shook me out of my unrelaxed sleep. What with the events that occured maybe only 13 hours ago, the next thought that popped into my mind was that I was going to get hurt. Were they in my house? Did they find out where I lived?

"Oh god," I breathed, slowly getting out of the covers. I stared at the door some more, and I could definitely hear the sounds of someone in my kitchen, rumaging or walking around. I didn't know what to do, unfortunately. I could stay in here and wait until they leave (if they ever do), or I could go out there and do something. As you can see, I'm very bad at coming up with plans.

The next thing I heard was whistling. It was faint at first, but gradually became louder as whoever was in my house whistled a tune that I did not recognize. I sat down on the edge of my bed for comfort, still staring at the door and wishing that I could somehow just see through it to see who was here. It could be any of the men that kidnapped me last fact, it could be anyone, couldn't it? It could be-

"Oh wait." I whispered to myself, stopping my mind from thinking of every possible criminal it could be. What if it's not anyone like Derek at all? What if it's not anyone that works for him or that is here to only hurt me?

What if it's that boy...Ashton? I mean, he's the only person in this entire city that knows where I am living, considering I've never been one to just 'bring friends over'. But why would he be here? Didn't he just leave like, an hour ago? I was probably just overeacting just moments ago, thinking that it was someone who could potentionally kill me. Maybe it was Ashton.

I pushed my sudden fear aside, and walked over to the door. I gripped the handle for a few moments, straining my neck and trying to hear what he was doing. I'm still not sure if it even is him in my apartment, but that's what I hoped. Even though I'm already not fond of his personality and attitude (I was able to get a pretty good glimpse of it last night), it's better than someone who tied me up and put a gun to my head.

I opened the door with one swift move, and stared out into the main room of my apartment with my hands involuntarily starting to shake. I told my body to stop being so scared, and I quickly glanced around in hopes of not being shot on the spot. My eyes found the small kitchen near the front of the room, and my muscles instantly relaxed at the sight of him, of Ashton. He stood at the counter with his backside leant against it, staring down at a phone in his hands. I wasn't necessarily happy to see him, but it was much better than anyone else that I was terrified of. He wore a different pair of skinny jeans, a plain grey t-shirt with a red flannel over that. Well, that's definitely a step up from the tattered jeans and bloody shirt, isn't it.

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