C3 - Zhou Ji

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Xiong Ye’s father was the former tribal chief and was once the strongest man in the tribe. Unfortunately, this man, who had awakened as a brown bear just like Xiong Ye, had died when Xiong Ye was just five years old.

After giving birth to him, Xiong Ye’s mother continued on to have five more children with different people. Four of them survived, and although his mother was very strong, she couldn’t always look after Xiong Ye. So after Xiong Ye awakened his animal form when he was ten, he took the initiative to move out of his mother’s cave and lived in the big communal cave with the other children who had left their parents, the elderly, and the disabled who couldn’t hunt.

These children, elderly, and disabled could obtain the most basic food allocation from the tribe, and at the same time, were required to do some basic gathering work or other chores.

For example, during this season, there were very few plants that could be collected, so they went to gather firewood or other things from areas nearby.

They didn’t have to do too much work, and when they were free, the elderly and the disabled would generally lay down in the valley or in the cave to conserve their physical strength. Some of the children would also do the same, but Xiong Ye was different.

Although his father died relatively early, he still remembered when his father used to take him out hunting. Back then, he had thought that when he grew up, he would become as powerful as his father, become the tribal chief, and make it so that the people of the tribe didn’t have to go hungry.

Since he wanted to become the tribal chief, he certainly couldn’t act like everyone else and do nothing simply because he was hungry – his father had instructed him to eat more and exercise more!

People in the tribe were very friendly towards the children. The elderly weren’t stingy about teaching and sharing their experience with them, and before Xiong Ye turned ten, he liked to ask them about what it was like outside. He learned how to fish, how to set traps, and even learned what kind of insects were edible. After he turned ten, he tried even harder to find a way to learn from them whenever he had a chance.

He even had the cheek to shamelessly help Grandpa Priest with his work in exchange for food.

The food distributed by the tribe would ensure that they didn’t starve to death and would grow up, but it was impossible for them to eat well. However, Xiong Ye knew how to get around and could always feed himself well. Later, he met Shi Li. The two of them clicked instantly and began to scavenge for food everywhere together.

It was because of this that he had already become one of the most powerful warriors in the tribe right after reaching adulthood – just having a strong beast form didn’t necessarily mean he would become a powerful warrior!

After eating the lesser half of the Lesothosaurus, Xiong Ye returned to his cave where there was a lot of wood piled up at the entrance.

His cave was very empty. There was nothing inside except for a stone bowl and stone axe that he had made himself.

Before winter last year, he had stored a lot of food and hay in the cave, but after winter had passed, the food was all gone, and the hay had become dirty.

He had just thrown the hay away the other day, and now the cave seemed particularly desolate.

He planned to marry Shi Li and become mates. Shi Li’s cave would be given to Shi Li’s mother and younger brother to live in, and he would definitely move in here. In that case, this cave was really a bit shabby.

Xiong Ye looked at the pile of wood that was lying in the sun by the entrance, then brought some of it into the cave before turning into animal form so he could strip the bark off with his claws.

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