C44 - Unexpected

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Xiang Tian stood on the mountain overlooking the valley the Big Bear Tribe had settled in. His energy roiled violently as it flowed out of his body in a constant wave, and some of the weaker beastmen instantly turned into their animal forms from the pressure.

Xiang Tian’s eyes were filled with disgust when he looked down at these people.

He hated the weak.

However, he currently had something to ask of the tribesmen, “Where is your tribal chief?”

Xiang Tian actually knew some things about the Big Bear Tribe. He had discovered this tribe at the same time he had found the divine fruit.

At the time, he had thought about killing everyone in the tribe in order to keep it a secret, but soon came to the conclusion that that might lead people to take note of this place instead, so he gave up on the idea.

In the years that followed, he had monitored the situation in the tribe.

He even had a relationship with a woman in the tribe. That woman had given birth to a child for him.

Originally, he wouldn’t have minded bringing that woman and child back to the Elephant Tribe, but there had been problems with the child that that woman had given birth to. He had been unable to speak even though he was four or five years old. Xiang Tian didn’t lack children, and didn’t need a child like that, so he hadn’t concerned himself with them any further.

Later on, he had worried about it becoming troublesome, so he had never gone back to find another woman from that tribe.

So, he didn’t know if that woman and the child were still there.

Xiang Tian didn’t like this kind of trouble, and when he thought about the divine fruit he had lost, he grew extremely irritated. The energy from his body rushed out even more violently.

Many people in the Big Bear Tribe had already shifted into their animal form as they lay there shivering on the ground, but a few of the relatively stronger ones were still holding on. Xiong He was one of them.

As the tribal chief, Xiong He would always get a lot of meat, but he also had a woman and children to take care of and would still go hunting on days when there weren’t collective hunts. Early this morning, he had intended to do exactly that.

As a result, he hadn’t even left yet when he came across something like this.

Under this kind of oppressive atmosphere, Xiong He couldn’t afford to show even the slightest bit of resistance. He had heard the priest say before that there were many powerful people in the world. At this time, he spoke up with some trepidation, “Lord, I am the chief of this tribe.”

Xiang Tian’s gaze fell on Xiong He.

A low level Beast Warrior. It seemed that he had achieved this through the accumulation of energy in his body as he grew older… Xiang Tian looked down on Xiong He a little.

In contrast, the young man next to Xiong He, who still still dared to look up at him even during a time like this, seemed pretty good.

Xiang Tian asked coldly, “Have you seen any strangers in the area lately?”

“N… No.” Xiong He replied.

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