C42- Xiang Tian

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The first time Zhou Ji had come here, he had thought that the trees here were extraordinarily tall and could practically blot out the sun.

Now, however… These trees didn’t seem to be so tall in his eyes.

As for that huge millipede that had originally seemed very, very, big to him…

Last time, even though Zhou Ji had changed into his animal form, that millipede had still seemed huge and very long. Now… He felt that this millipede resembled a bug.

He felt like he would step on it and squash it if he wasn’t careful.

With that in mind, Zhou Ji immediately took a step backwards and knocked down several trees. Not only that, the millipede raised its upper body and stared at him for a while, then suddenly turned around and ran away at an incredible speed.

In the blink of an eye, it had already burrowed into the fallen leaves and disappeared.

He had previously thought that the knotted millipede’s IQ was very low, but now that didn’t seem to be the case. At the very least, it knew to run away when it couldn’t win.

Zhou Ji took a step forward, intending to accustom himself to his current body. As a result, that single step of his just happened to land on top of the stone crevice, and the entire stone crevice collapsed under his weight.

Zhou Ji: “……”

He felt a little sorry for the knotted millipede. Not only had he taken its fruit, he had gone so far as to crush its home…

Only, his animal form…

Zhou Ji had already learned that his animal form was very large a while back. His tusks were three meters long, and he was over four meters tall from the shoulder. He was probably considered very big even amongst other mammoths and had weighed at least ten tons.

And now… He felt he was many times bigger than he had originally been, and might even weigh over a hundred tons.

Now that he was like this, he guessed that he probably didn’t need to be scared of any dinosaur and could completely crush them based on his body’s size alone. And while Xiong Ye’s animal form had seemed very big to him when he was in human form, the brown bear seemed really, really small to him now.

It was completely possible for him to hold Xiong Ye in the palm of his hand.

Fine, he didn’t have hands right now. He only had elephant legs.

Zhou Ji was rather helpless as he looked at his own animal form before changing back into his human form.

Previously, he already felt that he couldn’t reveal his animal form in front of the other tribespeople, but now it was even more impossible.

The tribe’s little valley would probably be trampled into pieces by him if he turned into his animal form there.

After Zhou Ji changed back into his human form, he discovered that the original fairytale-like pool and its surroundings were now a complete mess. There were also several huge footprints maring the ground here and there.

However, nature was very resilient. Not only was there no pollution here, there was also a water source, so everything here would grow back vibrantly again sooner or later.

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