C53 - Joining the Salt Team

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Zhou Ji was very calm as he pointed to the earth eggs, “You guys have so much to say. If you have so much time, why don’t you dig them out and check for yourselves?”

“I already said that I saw them this morning. The earth eggs are still very small.” The gathering team head used a long stone shovel to dig up a piece of dirt while she spoke.

She accidentally cut an earth egg the size of an adult’s fist in half as she dug.

The head of the gathering team, who had just had a cold expression on her face, immediately became excited, “What a big earth egg! It’s so big!”

The people of the tribe were very fond of eating earth eggs. This kind of plant tasted good and filled the stomach, so there were people who liked them even more than meat.

For children, these earth eggs were a necessity. Children less than a year old were unable to eat too much dinosaur meat, so their mothers would generally feed them earth eggs in addition to breastfeeding.

When they were over a year old and had more teeth, children would begin to eat dinosaur meat but would still prefer to eat earth eggs.

Usually, about one third of each year’s earth egg harvest would be set aside for the tribe’s children. Another third would be used to trade for salt, and only the remaining third would be given to the adults to eat.

Earth eggs matured twice a year, and each cycle usually required about 60 days. Only the first cycle of earth eggs could be harvested, and they were typically about the size of a child’s fist.

But the earth egg they had dug up now was bigger than any earth egg they had ever managed to harvest before.

The head of the gathering team was so delighted she was about to go crazy.

Others in the tribe were equally excited, and some of the people who were very devout towards the Beast God even knelt down on the spot, “Thanks to the great Beast God!”

Even the priest was shocked at this moment. He grabbed an earth egg plant and pulled hard…

That string of earth eggs broke, but several earth eggs of varying sizes could be seen in the dirt, the largest of which was even larger than the one the head of the gathering team had just split apart.

The priest’s hand trembled as he directly knelt down where he stood. “Thanks to the great Beast God!”

When the priest knelt down, other than Zhou Ji, everyone else in the tribe also knelt down. The priest looked towards Zhou Ji, “Kneel quickly.”

Zhou Ji: “……”

Zhou Ji said, “The Beast God also told me something else.”

Zhou Ji had always been helping to increase the harvest of the plants around the tribe.

He lived in this tribe, and although he wouldn’t take the initiative to make more work for himself, he would help out where he could. Only, he had been afraid that the people of the tribe would find out that something was wrong, so he didn’t dare to do too much.

However, recently he had even managed to perform a ‘miracle from the Beast God’ right in front of the priest, so it seemed that it would be alright to do some other things as well.

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