Chapter 54: Calm Before the Storm

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"We have found thirty-three of them," Anya tells Lexa. "Thirty where the guns were. Three in the underground place you had Linkon take us to."

Lexa considers it for a second. She had hoped for more, but expected less. Raven kom Skaikru had assured her gas masks should be easy to find in bomb shelters or any other supply intended to help people to survive an apocalypse, but Lexa had believed most of them had been torn apart years ago for her people to use as battle masks or spare bits. "That will be enough," she decides.

"It is strange to think that these things will protect us from gas grenades," Anya says sceptically. "But no stranger than a lot of recent events, I suppose. Thirty-three will cover less than half the group we plan to take, though. I can keep searching – we have time."

"That is exactly what we do not have," Lexa says grimly. "Every time we have waited, the Maunon have used the time better than we have. We do not know what they will do next. I am sick of reacting to what they do – running and hiding and creating defensive plans. It is time to strike back."

"Sha, Heda," Anya gives her a dark smile. "When do we leave?"

"Within the hour, if we can manage it," Lexa orders. "The core hundred or so people, anyway. Our reserves can leave hours later if necessary – there is no harm in that."

Anya nods, and Lexa goes to see Clarke, who is pacing inside the tent. Octavia is standing next to her. Clarke looks up as Lexa enters. "How's it going?"

"We have thirty-three of the masks you wished for," Lexa says calmly. "And we have nearly all the other supplies we require for your plan. Of course, we will have to stop by TonDC on the way, but otherwise I believe it is time to go."

"Okay," Clarke says with a sigh. "By the way, we've sorted something out. Octavia's volunteered to be the Skaikru representative in the first group." She frowns, and Lexa can see that Clarke does not like any of this. Her plan is risky, but although it is risky for herself most of all, Lexa knows that is not what worries Clarke.

"Mochof, Octavia," Lexa inclines her head slightly towards Octavia.

"Are you sure?" Clarke asks Octavia. Judging by Octavia's eye roll, this isn't anywhere near the first time Clarke has asked that particular question. "Listen, I'm just saying, this is going to be very dangerous."

"Compared to the position of perfect safety you'll be in?" Octavia asks sarcastically.

"That's not the point," Clarke says. "There's a very high chance you'll die before we can do anything about it. Even if you survive -"

"I'm sure," Octavia interrupts her, voice firm. "I told you, Clarke. I know what I'm getting into."

Clarke stares at Octavia, then closes her eyes for a moment in surrender. "Okay. Okay. Fine. You realise Bellamy is going to kill me."

"I realise he'll try," Octavia retorts with a grin. Lexa can see the edges of sharp fear under it, but recognises that with someone like Octavia the fear is only more of a goad. Indra is like that as well. She takes every ounce of fear in her system and turns it into anger and ferociousness, until it becomes hard to tell there is any fear underneath at all. "I think you can take him, Clarke. And Lincoln understands that it's my decision, so I don't think you'll have any problem from him. He's part of the group following a few hours behind us and asked me to save a couple for him."

"You should pack," Lexa tells Octavia. "We leave as soon as possible." Personally, she approves Octavia as the first person. From what Clarke has told her, Octavia is ideal for this – in fact, she thinks Octavia may have been who Clarke pictured when she crafted this plan, and that part of Clarke's resistance is due to guilt about this fact.

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