Chapter 98: By The Book

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"Gustus," Lexa says, surveying her old friend with pleasure as Clarke and Linkon start to bustle around Raven. "I thought your fight was over."

"As did I," Gustus admits with a shrug. "Perhaps I have a little more fight left in me."

After a moment she reaches out her hand and clasps his forearm firmly in a quick gesture of greeting and affection. "I am glad," she tells him, then steps back. "The sick girl is Raven kom Skaikru, who has skills with technology rarely seen, and you may remember Linkon, who is a fisa and scout from TonDC. This here is Zion, my guide in these areas. He used to lead an Azgeda gonakru."

Assan frowns, apparently recognising the name. "Wait. You were given command of Rathan's unit after his death, were you not?"

"Heda gave me command," Zion says stolidly. "Though I confess I did poorly with it."

"A few of the gona in the group were from our village," Assan says, a little coldly, raking his long pale hair back from his face. "Rumour says the Skaikru turned on our people and slaughtered them all with the help of the Maunon. It is becoming known as snapwor, the shortest battle, because the few survivors who returned say it took only minutes for nearly all the Azgeda gona to be killed." He glances at the closest door as if judging whether he could get away, then he returns his darkening gaze to Zion and reaches slowly to touch the hilt of his sword. "And yet you survived -"

Lexa intervenes. "Most gona died from the Maunon and Ripa, who attempted to kill Azgeda, Skaikru and Trikru alike." she says coolly. "Zion did not cause what happened, it was the fault of the Azplana for giving information to the Mountain, and the fault of an impulsive Skayon who is now dead . And perhaps my fault for allowing that Skayon to be there, so that he could begin the unnecessary fight with a foolish threat to Zion. You can ask Clarke and Raven kom Skaikru as well if you like, they were also present and can confirm what I say. Zion's only fault was serving the Azplana." Zion looks an odd mix of grateful and guilty. She knows he believes it absolutely to be his fault, but he will not argue with her.

Assan frowns again. He looks over at Clarke and Raven and his brow furrows further, but then he removes his hand from his sword and inclines his head respectfully. "Moba, Heda," he says in a conciliatory way, "I should not have threatened one of your people. If you say the deaths of our people are not this man's fault, I believe you."

"I regret every life lost, but those losses enabled us to destroy the Mountain and prevent others from experiencing that pain," Lexa tells him softly. "Now the few survivors of that attack honour their fallen by aiding me against the Azplana, who continues to cause war between our peoples just as she did that time."

"Sha, Heda," Assan says deferentially.

Lexa returns her attention to Gustus. "You must tell me how you survived. You and Clarke both."

"That was more Clarke's work than mine," Gustus replies. He smiles very faintly. "She is nearly as stubborn as you are, Heda. And as wise. You have chosen well."

"Mochof," Lexa says, smiling back at him wryly. Their gazes meet, conveying their shared happiness and relief at each other's safety.

"There are two important pieces of information we have for you," he says, clearing his throat, dropping some of his warmth and straightening, business-like again. "Firstly, we know where the Azplana is, or at least where she is now. In a hidden mountain castle in the north, nearly impossible to find -"

Lexa blinks, then nods. "Come," she orders him, and strides over to stand beside Raven's makeshift sickbed. "We must talk," she tells Clarke, "All of us. We have very little time."

"Very little?" Clarke says, stopping fussing over Raven and standing up. She studies Lexa thoughtfully. "When you said it wasn't safe to go any direction but north -"

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