Chapter 36

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Casey slowed down to the view of the Indialantic Boardwalk and Seashore, a glimpse of the waves rolling up onto the sand

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Casey slowed down to the view of the Indialantic Boardwalk and Seashore, a glimpse of the waves rolling up onto the sand. The sun hung over the light cornflower blue sky as it shone softly and the clouds, which dispersed unevenly. He made a right turn and came to a halt in a parking lot outside of Cold Stone Creamery.

Snow glanced over her shoulder at him with an astonishing glance. "We're at the beach?" she asked, then turned to the parlor. "Are we also getting Ice Cream?"

"Yep," he answered, and they got out of the car.

Picking out ice cream flavors was effortless for him, but of course, Snow had to take longer with it. Her defense was that they had so many different flavors, and they all looked good to her. He has somehow gotten used to her tendency of taking a long time to choose.

When it was their turn at the front cash register, Casey stopped Snow from taking out her wallet. "How about I'll take over and do the honors of paying for our Ice Cream?" he offered.

"What?" she said sheepishly. "You want to do that?"

"Why not?" Fast thinking with his hands, and before she could dispute, he handed the cashier cash from his hand. "And it's too late for you now."

The shock made visible to her countenance, and she didn't know what to say. As the cashier gave them their ice cream in waffle cones, he spoke to her. "Wow, he's charming. You have a good one here."

"Oh, um... o-okay," she fumbled. It looked like she wanted to correct him, but decided it was too awkward.

Casey and Snow sauntered out to the boardwalk while they licked their ice cream, coming down the stairs until they were at the bottom. The ground was now all sand, and when they gazed at the view, Melbourne Beach was laid back and lacked body presence. No one was in sight, and it was just perfect for him. For one thing, he was gladdened this wasn't Clearwater or Fort Lauderdale, which were more busy and active.

"I can't believe you took me to a beach. Now I remembered. I love it here, but I wouldn't dare go unless it's Summer. I wouldn't do much but admire the water or walk down the sand, finding seashells," Snow said, and she let out a small laugh.

"Oh yeah, have you collected any?" Casey asked.

"They're a small handful, but I keep them in a mason jar."

That's so girly. That thought amused him because she was a girl, and she liked these little things, seeing how she might be the kind to look at something over and over.

They paced themselves casually on the beach being side by side and held lighthearted conversations under the sun that shaded to a brighter golden yellow. In an unusual way, it felt freeing for him right now just to be outside somewhere and not having to hold care. That was saying a lot since he was not the one to enjoy the sun's presence. He didn't think he ever will, but he was not going to complain at this moment. A slight breeze blew through the air as it was cool and the right type of cool. Alongside them was the water lapping at the shore and leaving the sand dampened.

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