Chapter 16

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Snow prompted for an Emergency meeting with the guys

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Snow prompted for an Emergency meeting with the guys. An Emergency meeting meant that something was going on, and she needed her friends to help her out here because she's stuck on her own. She was in distressed thinking, and turned to them reliant, as she stared at them for possibly too long.

They circled together at the library at a table during their free time when she texted Kyle and Malloy the next day with the words ASAP. After what happened with Casey, she couldn't go through this alone without some talk.

"Could you stop staring at us and give us context now?" Kyle said, his eyes waiting.

"Right...," Snow said sheepishly and shook her head, sighing. "So yesterday, me and Casey were just having a normal time picking out flower petals and expressing our inner thoughts, and towards the end, he said he misses his old girlfriend and left right after that."

"I remember that time I caught you picking flower petals. You're going on about it again?" Malloy looked at her, questioning.

"No, that was, that was just something else. So what do you guys think I should do? How can I make him... a little bit more loosen up around me so that relationship between us can get better?" she asked.

Snow knew it wasn't his fault, but it was going to be difficult to judge him fairly if he was grieving around her. She needed to boost his mood, or at least diminishing that hurt from him.

"Anything?" she said, hoping.

"Is that dude really hard to deal with?" Kyle said with a curious brow raised.

"Well," Snow began, her voice faltering. One of the rare moments when he was nice to her was when they played at the arcade together. Casey was playful and even considerate. She would like to see more sides of him like that, or even when she found out that he like something, taking her away by surprise. "He's okay for the most part, but I can't seem to get him to talk to me more casually."

"I want to just..." she gestured with each of her hands pushing the air close to each other. "break down the walls there is between us."

"He's a tough guy, and he's pretty quiet," Malloy noted. "I just think you oughta give him more time. There's no telling when he might just let you in a bit more."

"I'm not trying to rush him or anything. I know it hasn't been long yet." She acknowledged that breakups are a long process until he could get better again for himself. According to what she googled, and she must admit it takes a long time to get over a breakup.

On average, it could be as long as two years. It's possible it could even be longer. Then again, the results may vary for each person.

"He doesn't share anything about his ex-girlfriend when you're with him?" Malloy asked.

Snow shook her head. "Nothing. What about you? Do you have anything new?"

"Yeah..." He made a questionable face. "He's as closed like a door shut."

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