Chapter 1

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Why does it feel like everybody could get into a relationship so easily?

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Why does it feel like everybody could get into a relationship so easily?

Snow doubted herself on this sensitive matter just as her will wavered every time. It's the one question which had likely come to her mind more frequently than she'd like to admit.

If there was one thing she's having trouble with, it's getting into a relationship with a guy. Although it was nothing to be ashamed of — being still single and taking her time — she questioned herself when it would be her turn.

Just because one couple made their entrance on campus, she couldn't stare away. Something about it put her in a moment of a wishing fairy tale. They were holding hands, smiling at one another, and the guy just gave the girl a light peck on the cheek. 

She stood staring, and a little bit of impatience rose whenever she saw this kind of situation. It wasn't fair for her, yet the torture was getting to her.

Each kind of couple she noticed was having their own relationship and in ways of acting all cute in front of their significant other. Whether it's disgusting or endearing, she hadn't experienced any of that; she'd so wished she would have. 

A part of her wasn't bothered since she wouldn't mind waiting for someone magnificent, and that could be all worth it when she had found somebody. But, another part of her made her feel less loved than others, and she worried about spending her life alone.

She was eighteen. She had time and years until a good, decent person presented himself to her. It wasn't like she was ugly. She had natural beauty, a face which resembled a young, innocent puppy, at least it's what her parents and friends said to her.

Still, it wasn't like she couldn't help herself from desiring for something. If Snow could get rid of whatever strange feeling of how it'd feel to be single and of her yearning to belong to someone else, she might not be thinking this way.

"Look away and fix your shoulders. They're slouching," Kyle pointed out to her.

"Agreed. Stop gawking. They're sick." Malloy had just crossed his arms, showing disgust on his face.

They just knew when to cue in, her two guy friends whom she had grown accustomed to since high school. They had her back and supported her for almost everything. She knew they mean well and everything they say had truth in it. While she heard them, she couldn't just stop herself from wondering.

You would think that maybe you know more about guys just because your friends were dudes, but even she couldn't decipher them no matter how long she knew them. Guys were just weird.

Snow turned to face them as an exaggerated expression appeared on her face. "Oh come on."

"Why do you care?" Kyle scrunched his eyebrows.

"Well..." She tried thinking of how to answer him. "I don't know. I'm honestly a bit jealous."

"You have nothing to be jealous about," Kyle said.

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