:: Chapter Fifty Six ::(The End)

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 "Captain's Log, it's Day 4 of our mission to keep Malice from slaughtering the town, there've been many close calls, I nearly lost an eye, Spike may never be able to bear children, Killer's mask may be permanently stuck to his head an-."

"TITAN!" A chorus of voices roared at him in anger, "shut the hell up!"

Adjusting his mohawk, Titan continued on as if he hadn't been interrupted, "our outlook is grim. It'll take a miracle to keep her from killing us al-."


"OW! WOT IN BLOODY HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" Titan bellowed as he gripped his head and spun around to see who had struck him, all the color drained from his face as he spotted a very irritated looking Malice.

"Last I checked, you're not the captain, you don't get a Captain's Log and you're getting on my last fucking nerve, quit your monologuing!" She snarled; she would have gutted him with her bone blade but Marco had taken it from her the day before when she'd nearly disemboweled Titan for some other annoying thing he'd done.

"Just passing the time, love. Can't I dream?" Titan chuckled uneasily and took a step back.

"That's not a dream, it's a delusion." Malice growled. She was even more irritable than usual which did not bode well for the rest of the crew and their wellbeing.

"Why don't we take a walk?" Killer offered quietly hoping to get her away from Titan before she finally eviscerated him.

"That's a bad idea, she'll slaughter anyone who looks at her the wrong way on the street and that's sure to draw attention." Law pointed.

"I'll slaughter all of you if you keep talking about me like I'm not here." Malice hissed.

"You know, I care more about our lives than the people out there, a walk sounds great." Killer chuckled and made a move to put his arm around the irritable Malice.

Malice ducked from his hold and prepared to strike him swiftly but paused as the door to their hideout swung open and one of Law's crew raced inside, "They've broken out!"

"Who?" Law inquired nonchalantly.

"Straw Hat and Kid! They got free!"

Malice felt a fleeting sense of calm before she realized that meant they were in even more danger, "we have to move, now!"

"What about your fa-?" Heat blocked her path but cut off as the enraged girl with the long bloody hair caught him by the neck and lifted him off his feet.

"We go now. If Kaido catches them after escaping they're dead." Malice's hellish eyes were aglow with rage.

"Yep. Now is good." Heat wheezed.

Hawkins glanced down at the tarot cards in his hands then back to the irate Malice, "I believe it's in everyone's best interest to stay out of her way." He said calmly as Malice dropped Heat to the ground.

"Yep." Spike and Titan gulped and backed away.

Malice vanished in the blink of an eye. Marco, Law and Killer all swore simultaneously before taking off after her. They paused as they left the hideout. Malice had left a trail of death and destruction in her wake slaughtering everyone and anyone who got in her way.

"I'm really glad she's on our side." Titan let out a low whistle as he looked at the amount of destruction Malice had left in her wake.

The others quietly nodded their agreement as they followed the path of destruction Malice had left behind.

"Ye think she's gonna kill the cap'n?" Titan pondered as they cautiously walked through the destruction after Malice.

"That would be such a waste." Law grumbled in annoyance.

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