:: Chapter Sixteen ::

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The three pirate captains broke through the formation with ease. Malice smiled to herself as she watched her captain fight, he looked like he was having fun. She sensed the approach of the other pirates and Rayleigh and turned as Killer stopped beside her.

“They sure are impatient.” He chuckled upon noticing the devastation before him, most of it due to Kid going overboard with his freaky magnetism.

Her heart started to pound in her chest as she felt Rayleigh’s dark gaze upon her. Why did he have to recognize her? Killer rushed forward as Kid turned his attention from the now charging marines to Mugiwara no Luffy.

“Why did you leave, Dove?” Rayleigh asked softly as Killer easily took down a marine with a battle axe that had been aiming for Kid.

                “Oy! Kid, what are you just standing around for?” Killer barked jarring her hot headed captain from his conversation.

                “I wasn’t ready to face him.” Malice said softly as she watched Kid carefully.

                Rayleigh looked between the cryptic young woman and the ill tempered brute of a pirate captain curiously, “Are you happy, Little Dove?”

                A small smile graced her lips for a moment and Rayleigh stared in awe, he’d never seen such an expression on the girl. “I’m not sure I truly understand the concept of happiness. As for where I currently stand, I’m content and that is enough.”

                “Hey, Killer.” Kid said distantly, “On the route we took to get here whenever we said we were going to find the One Piece, people laughed at us, although I killed anyone who dared to laugh, but after this we’re going to an ocean where those who don’t have the guts to say it will die.” A small smirk crossed his lips and he turned to Luffy, “Let’s meet again in the New World.”

                Law smirked at this.

                “Let’s go!” Kid ordered as more marines began to charge. He cast a sideways glance over his shoulder at the raven haired woman fearful that she wouldn’t be behind him. He hesitated for a moment worried that she’d change her mind and decide to stay. The Dark King had embraced her as one would their own child and Kid knew deep down it was something she longed for based on her actions. Her dark garnet eyes met his and he felt his heart skip a beat as she smiled.

                “Aye Aye, Captain.” Malice flitted from her perch atop the steps and launched herself into the onslaught of marines wielding her barbaric bone blade with practiced poise and grace.

                The kid pirates escaped leaving a path of destruction in their wake and calmly resumed their retreat toward where they’d docked their ship. Though they’d destroyed a bridge along the way, the marines still pursued them. However, it wasn’t the marines in pursuit that set Malice’s nerves on edge, there was something ominous up ahead.

                “I think we should take a different route.” She called ahead to Kid as she jogged to catch up to his long powerful strides.

                “This path will avoid town, it’s the best one.” Kid shrugged her off.

                “There’s something up ahead, something big, I can feel it.” She attempted once more causing Kid to chuckle.

                “You can quit playing the damsel in distress now, it’s getting old.” He scoffed.

                “Listen to me, damn it!” Malice snapped as she finally caught up to his massive strides, she sensed something ahead and heard a strange high pitched squeal as if something were being charged and an image of Kid getting shot with a beam of light flashed through her mind. “Move!” She roughly shoved Kid to the side just as the beam was fired. Burning pain shot through her arm as the beam of light grazed her skin instantly searing the flesh and causing a fresh stream of blood to pour from the wound.

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