:: Chapter Twenty Eight ::

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Malice felt nervous as the two pirate ships docked at Fishman Island. Shanks said he wanted to have a talk with her, alone. However, upon hearing this, Kid threw a fit and nearly launched an arsenal of metal at her father's ship so it was agreed that the level headed first mate would join father and daughter on their stroll. It was quite possibly the first time in her life she actually struggled with what to wear.

                She stood in front of her wardrobe for what felt like hours rifling through her clothes debating what would be most appropriate for their outing. After a few more minutes she decided on a simple black dress. It hung loosely around her falling just above her knees. Upon gazing at her reflection and seeing the revealed scars on her arms and stretching down from her shoulders she decided to add a simple black sweater overtop. Her gaze lingered to the reflection of her revealed legs and the scars littering her pale skin. With a sigh she slipped into a pair of black combat boots deciding this was as good as it was going to get.

                Not more than a second later, after she'd finished changing, her bedroom door swung open hastily revealing a sour looking Captain Kid. His wild spiked red hair was mussed as if he'd spent hours raking worried fingers through it. His feral eyes latched onto her and widened briefly at the sight of her.

                "You're wearing a dress." He muttered tonelessly.

                "Girls occasionally do such things." Malice teased him.

                "Never really thought of you as a girl." Kid began to chuckle but cut off short as he felt her piercing glare, "That's not what I meant-."

                "Don't worry, I never really thought of you as a man either." Malice growled coldly.

                "I told you that's not what I meant." He snapped losing his calm composure. In truth he'd always viewed her as much more than a girl, he'd always viewed her as a woman. Deep down he believed she'd been a woman all her life having faced many hardships no girl could have overcome.

                "Is that all you wanted, to point out what I was wearing and that you don't see me as a girl?" She asked icily, "If so could you move aside, I'm going to be late." Her darkening mood worried him and for the first time the arrogant captain felt a sense of helplessness.

                His hand lashed out and caught her roughly by the wrist as she tried to sidestep him, "Don't walk away from me, girl." He nearly cringed at the sound of his own voice, it came out in a growl, but there was a desperate whine laced within.

                Malice froze hearing the pleading in his voice and turned to him curiously.

                Kid straightened himself up, "You're a part of this crew and until I give you permission to leave it, you will remain as such." He wanted to kick himself. Why was it so hard to talk to her sometimes? When she was teasing like this he always became flustered, why couldn't he talk to her the way he did when she was upset?

                Malice smiled softly, "I'm not going anywhere, Captain."

                Kid hesitated, "And if they try to take you by force?"

                "I'd like to see them try." Her voice was composed and deadly as she whipped out her wicked bone blade tucked within her combat boot.

                "What if he uses Haki?" Kid asked trying to sound nonchalant, but Malice could detect the worry in his voice. He knew her ability had been hindered after their run in with the admiral.

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