:: Chapter Twenty Nine ::

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[A light fun chapter to break up some of the tension and drama]

“Oy, Cap’n wot ye doin’?” Titan slurred in his cockney accent as he stumbled around the deck of the ship still piss drunk from their midnight get together the night before. He blinked a few times thinking he was seeing things.

                Captain Kid had made an attempt at being incognito; wearing a dark cloak that completely concealed him from view, though due to his broad muscular build just appeared to be a dark fearsome apparition. “Stop questioning me and get the ship ready for departure.” Kid growled.

                “Eh? If ye’r try’in to be sneaky, ye got it all wrong.” Titan snickered.

                “Shut up.” Kid barked before dropping to the dock below and heading off in the direction Malice and her father had gone.

                Fishman Island was surprisingly bright and colorful. It looked like there was a brilliant blazing sun in the sky despite them being at one of the deepest points below sea level. The plant life lining the cobblestone walkway looked like sea anemones in an array of iridescent rainbow colors. The brooding captain scanned the foreign scenery desperately searching. Despite being in this bright colorful paradise, the world felt cold and dark at the thought of losing her. He always said something to run her off.

                He felt an invisible tug as if there were some unseen tether bound to him guiding him in a certain direction. Upon closer inspection he spotted Malice, Killer, Shanks and Benn Beckman, Red Hair’s first mate, walking a little ways ahead in silence.

                People stopped to stare at Captain Kid’s incognito attire as he poorly attempted to remain unseen while following the group of four through town. Malice’s body was rigid and she was maintaining an exact distance of 24cm from Shanks. Kid smirked at this and couldn’t contain a soft malicious chuckle as Red Hair attempted to put his arm around the cryptic girl and she dramatically dodged it.

                Malice sensed the captain’s presence behind her and rolled her eyes as she heard his chuckle at her reaction to her father trying to get close to her. She chanced a glance in Killer’s direction and smirked as she noticed the first mate shaking his masked head.

                “That idiot does realize we know he’s there, doesn’t he?” Malice smirked.

                “I don’t think he does.” Killer stifled a laugh. “I really think he believes he’s being sneaky.”

                “Should we tell him?” Malice pondered.

                “I’m a little curious to see how long he can keep it up before he gets pissed off and yells at one of us.” Killer chuckled.

                “Place your bet.” Malice grinned.

                “I give him five minutes.”

                “I’ll be generous and go with fifteen.” Malice giggled.

                “That’s a bit of a stretch don’t you think?” Killer teased her.

                “He’s being incognito perhaps he has more patience today.” Malice shrugged finally catching the attention of her father and his first mate.

                “Are you two placing bets on your captain?” The first mate pondered with a chuckle.

                “Yep.” Malice and Killer responded in perfect unison.

                “What are the stakes?” Her father asked warily.

                Malice thought for a moment, “If I win, you have to show me what’s under the mask.”

                Killer chuckled, “Deal.”

                “What about you?” Malice questioned.

                “A date.”

                Malice threw him a curious look, “Deal.”

                “Ready to lose?” Killer chuckled.

                “Not a chance.” Malice smirked victoriously.

                Killer draped his arm around her shoulders and Malice groaned as she heard Kid shout from behind them.

                “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Kid snarled causing Shanks and his first mate to laugh.

                “That’s cheating!” Malice growled as she shoved Killer away from her with a fierce glare causing nearby passerby to step away from the group. She rounded on Kid as he approached the group both seething with rage, “What the hell is your problem?!” She snapped at the young arrogant captain of the Kid Pirates.

                “What?!” Kid raged, “What the hell is your problem?! Did you like getting all cozy with hi-?”

                “It’s your fault I lost!” Malice hissed.

                Shanks and Benn watched in awe not knowing whether to laugh at the absurdity of the situation or break up the pair before they could start fighting.

                “Lost? Lost what?!” Kid glowered.

                “The bet you damn hot head.” Malice retorted.

                “What bet?” Kid glared.

                “How long it would take for you to lose your temper and lash out at one of us.” Killer added calmly.

                “What the hell kind of bet is that?!” Kid yelled angrily. “How did you even know I was there?” He asked earnestly causing Killer to double over laughing.

                “An elephant entirely covered in bells would have been more difficult to detect.” Malice noted causing Shanks and Benn to join Killer doubled over in laughter.

                Kid opened his mouth to snap at the girl but cut off as his first mate straightened up and pat him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, Captain. I won you a date.”

                “What?!” Kid and Malice growled in unison.

                Killer chuckled, “You two are so dense sometimes.”

                “I’m going to kill him. Hope you’re okay with that.” Malice shot at Kid.

                “By all means.” Kid grumbled.

                The masked first mate affectionately pat the seething raven haired girl on the head and turned to walk away, “Now that you’re here, Captain, I take it our beloved Malice is perfectly safe. I’ll see to the supplies we need for our departure.” He waved behind him dismissively leaving the seething duo staring after him in awe.

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