:: Chapter Twelve ::

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Colossal mangroves as far as the eye could see, it was just as she remembered. It seemed all eleven supernovas had reached Sabaody at the same time. Malice couldn’t be more overjoyed. With all eleven of those ruffians around, surely the citizens would be too distracted by them. Rayleigh and Shakky wouldn’t be able to recognize her in all the chaos.

Even if they could discern between the chaos, she looked nothing like she did when she was a kid. She dyed her vibrant crimson hair obsidian, her body had filled out a lot more than before and she had more scars than she could count. No one would recognize her.

“I’m going into town, Captain.” Killer noted as they docked their ship.

Kid shrugged, “We’ll be at a pub.”

“Can I go with you?” Malice asked the first mate curiously.

“For what?” Kid grumbled angrily.

“I’d like to find some clothes that fit me properly.” Malice rolled her eyes.

“What’s wrong with the ones I got for you?” He challenged.

“They look like you beat up a bunch of teenage boys and stole their clothes.” Malice snapped.

Killer laughed at this, “Close enough.”

“So what?” Kid growled facing off against the cryptic young woman towering over her menacingly.

“So, they don’t fit.” Malice didn’t back down.

Killer stepped in and separated the pair, “It’s fine with me.”

Kid glared but didn’t protest further, “You shouldn’t go like that; you’ll draw too much attention.” He pointed to her current attire a pair of baggy black pants with chains dangling from the sides that she kept up with bailing twine and an oversized black t-shirt with skull and crossbones that she had tied at the waist to fit her delicate form more tightly.

“I’ll draw too much attention?” Malice asked skeptically, “Says the man dressed flashier than a -.” Killer clapped a hand over her mouth to stop her from enraging the captain.

Kid untied her shirt causing it to drown her and completely hide any semblance of a girlish figure before stuffing an unflattering black beanie on top of her head and tucking her hair beneath it. “Better.”

Malice threw Killer a questioning look. The first mate shrugged and held back a laugh. She turned to glare at the captain, “What the hell?”

“It’s for your own protection.” Kid shrugged. “Girls get snatched by slavers all the time.”

“I think I can handle some slavers.” She growled.

“And it’ll be a bloodbath, we’re close to Navy HQ so don’t cause too much trouble.” Kid pointed.

“You’re one to talk.” Malice growled.

“Let’s go.” Killer chuckled as he nudged the irate girl forward.

They made their way into town and Malice noticed an alarming amount of pirates in the crowd. So many of them gathered in one place to head to the New World not even half of them would actually make it to their destination.

“What did you need to get in town?” Malice asked curiously as she felt the stares of several other pirates on her and Killer. Of course they’d be interested in him; he was a supernova after all with a bounty of 162,000,000.

“We’re running low on medical supplies.” He shrugged.

Malice paused, it was because of her, because they took her in and he had to doctor all her wounds. “Sorry.”

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