:: Chapter Two ::

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Eustass Captain Kid glared at the pathetic lowly excuses of pirates that once were the Hobbs Pirates. They surrendered too easily, they were weak and giving real pirates a bad name. His feral amber eyes scanned the incapacitated crew over with disdain. He paused as his gaze fell on the last of the captured ‘pirates’.  She seemed out of place amidst the rest of the Hobbs pirates. Aside from the obvious age gap between the young woman and the middle aged scumbags, everyone else appeared to be well (overly) fed whereas the young woman looked as if she hadn’t eaten in weeks. Her feet were bare and caked in drying blood and other questionable grime.

                Though the young woman appeared to be severely injured with a gash to the back of the head and a deep slash across the palm of her hand with a horrific looking bone jutting out of it, she continued facing forward with a scowl across her face. Her crew mates were all whimpering and sniveling from their minor injuries, some praying to useless deities, some beginning to beg Kid and his crew for their lives, but the young woman didn’t look scared or worried. She looked annoyed, as if they were all some kind of hindrance. Thick blood stained bandages concealed her eyes and even though she’d been blinded had successfully taken out three of her own comrades possibly four if she were responsible for the stab wound to the chest of that young man Killer had found in the grotesque brig. Perhaps she was their prisoner; it would explain her dishelved and overall grubby appearance.

                Killer, a young man with untamable long blonde hair wearing a blue and white striped helmet that concealed his entire face turned to the young red haired captain, “What should we do with them, Captain?” He asked calmly.

                Captain Kid threw the Hobbs Pirates one last look of disdain before turning to his first mate, “Tie them to the mast.” He said with a shrug.

                The masked blonde reached for the gore covered emaciated young woman first as she was currently the closest one to him.

                “Save that one for last, Killer.” The captain smirked. He was curious about the cryptic young woman.

                Killer obliged and started with the overweight lard of a captain.

                “You did this somehow, you demon!” The overweight Captain Hobbs managed to break away from the lethal first mate of the Kid Pirates and lunged at the blind faint young woman.

                Before any of the Kid Pirates had a chance to intervene, the young woman rolled away from her assailant and the lard of a captain stared in awe as her bonds fell to the deck. The young woman ripped the bone from the palm of her hand and darted forward with expert poise and grace. Her steps were sure footed even though she was blind. The remaining bound crew members of the Hobbs pirates turned green at her display. Kid smirked as he watched the young woman cut down her opponent in one swift motion.

                Everyone believed it was her bone that she’d tore from her hand to murder the captain. Kid held back a laugh as even some of his own crew grimaced at the very thought. She’d been fighting with an odd weapon before and it wasn’t affected by Captain Kid’s ability. What an intriguing woman. She’d actually impaled her bone weapon into her own hand before she’d been captured. Her tolerance for pain was beyond belief.

                “Go to hell.” Her voice was soft and barely more than a whisper but each syllable was dripping with abhorrence as she kicked the captain’s lifeless body.

                Killer adjusted his grip on his wicked revolving scythe like weapons waiting for the girl to make her next move. Despite her various injuries and the fact that she was half starved and obviously dehydrated to the brink of death deduced by the coloring of her ghostly pale skin and the vibrant blue of her veins bulging out of her skin, she was quick, surefooted and absolutely lethal. Kid’s interest was piqued by the ruthless girl.

                “What’s your name girl?” Kid asked curiously.

                “You first.” The girl hissed as she tightened her grip on her barbaric weapon.

                Normally Kid would be infuriated by such rude behavior, but the raven haired young woman interested him. She was outnumbered and still she looked as if she’d rather die trying to take everyone else down than submit. Judging by her reckless actions, Kid could tell she didn’t fear death. “My name is Eustass Kid, captain of the Kid Pirates.”

                The raven haired girl mentally swore, just her luck, this man was supposedly coldblooded. He had a bounty of over 300,000,000 and had caused quite a stir on the Grandline of late. She’d heard rumors about the Kid Pirates and their brutality. Supposedly they didn’t care who or what got in their way and often times innocent civilians would get caught in the crossfire. Even his first mate had a bounty over 100,000,000 she’d have a difficult time making an escape.

                Kid grew impatient as the young woman remained silent, “What’s your name?” He repeated in annoyance.

                A small smirk wormed its way onto the girl’s lips, “My parents forsook me and didn’t think to give me a name when they brought me into this world. Most people call me Malice.”

                Kid smiled wickedly at the warped blood and grime covered girl. This girl was quite possibly one of the most damaged and demented beings he’d crossed thus far in his journey on the Grandline. Her hostile and overall feisty demeanor intrigued him. “Join my crew.”

                Malice almost lost her cool mask of indifference. What? It wasn’t even a question it was an order. That was not at all what she was expecting to hear. “On one condition.” She said boldly as she managed to regain her unruffled composure.

                Captain Kid’s feral amber eyes narrowed into a glare. Perhaps this young woman was too bold, but he had to give her credit for her fearlessness even if it was just recklessness. “What’s that?” He asked with a smirk surprising his crew.

                “Any treasure you find on this ship, I want forty percent.” Her mind wandered to the dead man lying in the brig, she’d find some way to give the treasure to his family.

                Kid shrugged in response, “You can want for it as much as you’d like.” He mocked her causing his crew to chuckle.

                “Don’t toy with me, you bastard!” Malice hissed darkly and lunged in the direction of the captain’s arrogant voice.

                Effortlessly the muscular young captain caught the blind girl’s wrist in one hand halting her attack and picked her up by the throat with his free hand. Physically, the girl was weak, perhaps too weak, but the captain couldn’t ignore her reckless abandon.  She was daring, almost too daring, but she was also skilled with a blade and well versed in pain tolerance.

                “How about twenty percent?”  Kid asked with a smirk wanting to get another rise out of the helpless girl.

                Despite being held off the ground by the throat and being rendered completely defenseless, the girl didn’t kick, scream, or even plead for her life. She remained still maintaining her breathing with care from the restricted oxygen flow due to the hand pressing into her larynx. Her face was a stony mask of indifference. Just how warped was this girl?

                “Thirty percent or I start dropping bodies.” Her voice was barely more than a whisper as she continued to conserve her oxygen supply.

                Kid couldn’t help but laugh at the girl’s declaration. “You can have your thirty percent, Malice.” He chuckled as he lowered the gaunt girl to the deck and released her from his hold.

                Malice tensed as she heard the slight swish of fabric as Kid extended a hand to her. What was he doing? She didn’t sense any weapons nor could she detect any harmful intent.

                “Deal?” Kid smirked as he held his hand out to the blind girl wanting to test how good her sense of perception was.

                She grasped his hand confidently; despite being blind she had keen senses, “Deal.”

                “Welcome to the Kid Pirates.”

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