:: Chapter Twenty One ::

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Malice couldn’t believe the view before her. Their entire ship was encased in a bubble and they were steadily descending deeper and deeper into the ocean. It was magical, like something out of a fairytale.

“Hey, don’t wander too far off.” Kid called over to her from his perch atop a barrel as he, Killer, Heat and Wire engaged in their nightly card game.

“What?” Malice turned to him curiously as she headed toward the aft of the ship to look at the underwater forest of coral and mangrove roots.

“If we hit an underwater current you could get thrown overboard.” Kid shrugged.

“Wouldn’t I just land in the bubble?” Malice challenged.

“Maybe. Or you’d get sucked out to sea, though most likely if that happened the pressure of the water would just crush you. So stay in sight.” He said coolly as he looked at his hand.

Malice rolled her eyes, “Kid has a queen of diamonds and an ace of spades.” She announced causing Kid to glare at her and the others to laugh.

“Stop listening to people shuffle!” Kid growled.

“Then stop telling me what to do.” Malice retorted.

“I have a better idea.” Killer intervened before their bickering could escalate into something more serious. He ducked below deck momentarily leaving everyone staring after him inquisitively.

“What’s he doing?” Malice asked curiously as Killer returned to the main deck with a really long rope.

“No idea.” Kid watched his first mate intrigued by his strange attitude and chuckled as he tied one end of the rope around Malice’s waist.

“What the hell?” Malice growled, “You are not putting me on a leash!”

“Tether her to the mast.” Kid chuckled but stopped short as Killer approached him with the other end of the rope, “What the hell are you doing?” He growled.

“Now you’ll know if anything happens to her on the opposite end of the ship so you can stop worrying and we can all get on with our card game.” Killer said as if it were obvious.

“Who said I was worried?!” Kid snapped angrily as Malice’s cheeks burned slightly from the comment.

“You’re not fooling anyone, Captain.” Killer chuckled so only Kid could hear.

“I think I’d rather be tied to the mast, it wouldn’t complain as much.” Malice teased.

“I can arrange that.” Kid threatened her.

Malice rolled her eyes and disappeared behind the upper cabin to the aft of the ship. A slight twinge of pain in her ribcage caused her to wince momentarily and lean against the railing lining the ship. Her wounds had healed, but the spot was still tender and she randomly got hit with phantom pains from where the beam of light had pierced through her.

Something moved in the water behind them causing her to straighten up. She strained to see through the dark water and the tangle of roots and other underwater plant life. Casting out her senses, she scanned the surrounding area. There were a few Seakings, but something else was keeping them at bay, something just out of her reach. Perhaps if she stood on the rudder she’d be able to sense whatever it is.

Carefully she climbed atop the railing and searched for a decent foothold to make her way down to the rudder. The ship shifted suddenly causing her to lose her footing and plummet over the edge of the ship with a slight squeak. She closed her eyes bracing herself for the impact of smacking face first into the rudder. The rope around her waist tightened and caught her mid-fall.

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