:: Chapter Forty Seven ::

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"What the hell is that contraption?" Malice threw the masked first mate a scathing look as he Heat and Spike wheeled a gigantic metal coffin shaped box aboard the ship as they docked for supplies on their way to one of Kaido's smaller island strongholds.

Kid, Hawkins and Apoo followed closely behind the three struggling with the odd metal coffin. It was big enough that all six of them could probably fit inside with minimal discomfort. Kid looked to Hawkins waiting for him to explain the device. Hawkins merely shrugged and began shuffling his cards.

"It's a sensory deprivation chamber." Killer supplied as Heat and Wire collapsed on the deck from the weight of the contraption they'd been wheeling aboard.

Malice folded her arms in front of her chest and eyed the three captains and Killer suspiciously, "And what exactly is its purpose?"

"So you can train." Killer noted and chanced a glance in Kid's direction. The captain of the Kid Pirates was very against the idea, mainly because he didn't want Malice training in the first place. After it was explained that this would probably be the most effective way for her to train as, while inside, her senses would be dulled and that it could be a form of comfort for her, he gave in.

"It should help." Kid muttered softly as he looked to the red angry wounds lining her arms, they looked fresh as the day that monster carved them into her even though they were all healed.

"Are you implying that I can't handle it?" Malice's single hellish eye narrowed into a glare at this.

Kid nearly snarled in rage at this, "I'm saying you shouldn't have to handle it!"

"I'm fine, without your stupid contraption." Malice snapped.

"Come here." Kid growled and caught the broken girl by the wrist dragging her forward.

Malice bit her lip to keep from crying out at the sudden contact as her skin seared in pain from his touch and her body protested her abrupt movements. Apoo and Hawkins moved quickly to lift up the top opening the giant metal coffin like contraption.

"I'm not going in there!" Malice raged as she struggled to break Kid's hold. It was pitch black inside the coffin like contraption and it looked like the blackness within was alive and moving.

Kid grit his teeth and swept the combative girl off her feet.

"KID!" Malice seethed, "Don't you dare!"

Kid cringed at her shrieks. She was using her rage to mask the sound of her pain. Even the slight bit of handling he was doing was causing her immense anguish. "Sorry." He breathed so only she could hear before tossing her into the blackness.

Malice landed with a scream and a splash as she fell into black water. She let out an enraged shriek as the captains closed the contraption sealing her inside. Her heart began to race as she floated in the black water encased in complete darkness. It was the darkest blackness she had ever experienced; it was a void of darkness without even a glimmer of light. She was truly blind. There was no sound within the darkness, not even the sound of her racing heart or the screams she knew she was making. She could hear nothing. She was deaf and blind.

The black water she was floating in no longer felt like water, she felt weightless, completely suspended in the void of darkness. It matched her body temperature immediately and numbed all of her senses. There wasn't any pain. There wasn't any relief. She felt nothing. Endless nothing in the endless darkness. She kicked and struggled to make a sound to hit something, to experience any sense of anything, but there was nothing.

Was it possible she was dead? Was this what death was like, an eternity of nothing. She opened her mouth to let out another scream, but there was no sound. How long had she been like this?

After a while the sense of panic she' been feeling began to subside. Malice allowed herself to relax. Kid wouldn't leave her in here for longer than was safe. She closed her eyes, though it made no difference, it was the same amount of darkness with her eyes open as it was with them closed. Her stiff body began to relax, her tense muscles that had been drawn taut in her alarm were beginning to ease.

If she brought equipment in here, could she really train? What would the void of darkness do if she brought weights and weapons, would she lose them in the void? Perhaps she could train like this. She wasn't hindered by the endless pain, she could push herself, she could move like she used to, without worry.

Perhaps Kid was right, perhaps this would help. Once her worry and panic had completely dispersed she smiled to herself. She embraced the darkness. Kid's voice rang through her head, 'you fight better when you're blind.' A sigh escaped her, now she'd have to admit he was right about this stupid contraption. Until then, she could move freely.

Her body moved with ease through a series of kicks and flips. She had no idea how it was possible but she'd never felt as if she came in contact with the edge of her dark enclosure though she must have. She stretched her body and couldn't help but laugh as she felt nothing, no pain, no strain. Her body was entirely free of all feeling.

After she finished with what she thought was a good number of kicks, stretches, flips and punches she allowed herself to float in the nothing and drift in the darkness. At one point she couldn't tell if she had fallen asleep or was just floating in the nothing, but it put her at ease.

Light suddenly rained down from above startling the peaceful girl. An alarmed scream escaped her and she cringed at the sound. She cast her arms over her face to shield her single revealed eye from the sudden blinding light.

Kid peered inside the strange chamber to the soaking wet girl below and he couldn't help but smile to himself. She seemed relaxed. "Well?"

"Bring me a weapon and shut me back in here." Malice smiled a genuine smile, it was a smile without strain.

His heart fluttered in his chest. "Don't go ordering me around." He attempted to sound cool.

"And some weights." Malice added.

Kid held back his smile as he was currently under the eye of his rivals. "You're welcome." He scoffed as she had yet to thank him and he had an image to keep.

Malice lifted herself from the darkness and hoisted herself up to the ledge bringing her face to his. She pressed her lips to his and kissed him with a fire that stole his breath away. When she pulled back she smiled brilliantly, "Thank you, Captain."

Kid couldn't help but smile back at her. "And what's my reward for bringing you the weights and weapons?"

She was starting to look a little strained now that she was outside of the chamber, her pain was returning, but there was a lively fire burning in her revealed eye. "Perhaps next time I'll let you join me in here." Malice winked causing a faint rosy blush to claim her captain's cheeks, spreading all the way to his ears.

Kid escaped to find the items she had requested. He felt elated. She had that burning determination back. She looked more alive than he had seen her in months. Malice had hope again.

][Malice][ =One Piece=Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin