:: Chapter Twenty Three ::

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[woot three chapters in one day ^-^]

Malice found herself frozen in place, unable to move, unable to speak she could do nothing more than stare back at the father she’d always longed to meet, the father she’d always believed had abandoned her and left her for dead like her mother. His dark garnet eyes were filled with love and compassion as he stood rooted to the spot staring back at her. Neither of them knew what to say or even where to begin. Both feared the other’s rejection, both were terrified of being hated by the other and their fear kept them silent.

The first mate and the sniper of the Red Hair Crew listened from the hallway and both exchanged knowing looks. This was too painful to watch. They were getting absolutely nowhere. With a heavy sigh the first mate shoved away from the wall he’d been leaning against and stepped into the room startling the shell shocked pair by his sudden appearance.

“Just ask her what you’re worried about, Captain.” He chuckled.

Her eyes flitted between the captain and first mate curiously trying to figure out what he could possibly want to ask her.

Shanks hesitated, “Do you hate me?” He couldn’t imagine the pain and heartache she’d gone through growing up. She had no one. No mother, no father, she’d been all alone in the world from the very start.

Malice’s eyes widened at this but she quickly regained her composure and took a deep breath to steady her nerves before replying, “That depends on how you answer this question. And don’t think you can lie to me, I know when I’m being lied to.” Her voice was meant to sound cool but it trembled slightly as the fear of rejection gripped her heart.

                Shanks nodded his head to show he understood. He wouldn’t blame the girl for hating him. She’d grown up feeling alone and unwanted. That wasn’t a life he’d wish on anyone least of all his own flesh and blood.

                “Rayleigh told me…” Her voice faded out and she looked away from him not even caring if he lied, in fact she hoped he’d lie and just tell her what she wanted to hear. She didn’t think she’d be able to go on if both of her parents despised her. Somehow she found the courage to speak up again, “He said you didn’t know about me until that day, at the auction house…” Once again her voice broke and she stared down at the brilliant red scar across the back of her hand hoping the anger from the memory would give her strength, “and that you’ve been looking for me, ever since…” She closed her eyes as tears threatened to fall, “Is that true?”

                She sensed him approach and clenched her eyes shut tighter wondering if he was taking advantage of her vulnerability to end her existence. Pain gripped her heart as she realized there was no one in this world who wanted her. Who would ever want such a disgraceful child? A strong arm suddenly wrapped around her and she cringed expecting it to reach up and snap her neck, but instead gasped in surprise as she was suddenly pulled into a warm loving embrace.

                Warm droplets fell atop her head as she was tightly pressed against his strong chest and she had her answer. He had searched for her, relentlessly. Tears welled in her eyes as she felt a great weight being lifted off her shoulders.

                “I’m so sorry.” He choked as he cradled her against him.

                Unable to hold back the flow of tears any longer, Malice melted into his loving embrace throwing her arms around him and cried silently into his chest. Unbeknownst to the reuniting pair, the sniper and the first mate slipped from the room with tears in their eyes and closed the door behind them.

                … Meanwhile …

                “Why did you leave her with them?” Killer asked softly as he watched Kid rake worried fingers through his already untamable flaming red hair.

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