Mr. Hurt

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Standing in Klaus' study Gabriel intently watches as his brother gives Genevieve a few pages out of Esther's grimoire that tells her everything she needs to know to complete the moonlight rings. Genevieve analyzes the papers, only looking towards Klaus after a few moments. "Your mother's spell is as complicated as it is elegant. She was clearly a very gifted witch."

Gabriel, too stressed to laugh like he normally would've done when Klaus snatches the page from her hand and points at it, stares down at the ground in contemplation. "Is this the bit, here?"

Genevieve glares at the hybrid and snatches it back in annoyance. "Hey! Like I said, it's complicated. She bound protection magic to black hyanite stones. A werewolf with the stones is free from turning on a full moon."

"And what of the improvements?" Gabriel finally breaks his silence. He was impatiently waiting for this witch to leave, he just needed her out of ear shot because he and his brother needed to have a very serious conversation.

"This spell will enhance speed, strength, and agility." Genevieve assures the both of them. But Klaus is unsatisfied. "There should be something in there about fangs, it's what our mother used on us when she turned us into vampires."

She shakes her head. "Not just fangs, you said you want venom, so the bite is still lethal to vampires."

Klaus smiles, victoriously as Genevieve places the pages back onto the table. Looking towards Klaus again, Gabriel can see the jealousy in her eyes. "Here. It should make a nice gift. I'm sure Hayley will be thrilled."

"Not just Hayley. You'll be making quite a few of these. Lets call it an even hundred." He smirks.

Genevieve frowns, taking a slight step back. "That's not the deal I made with Elijah."

Gabriel blocks out the rest of their terrible bickering as he tries to find a solution to all of his problems. He only zones back into reality when the red headed witch stomps out of the room. "Niklaus." He whispers, only lifting his head to show his brother how serious he was in this moment.

"What is it now?" Klaus sighs in frustration.

"I have a bad feeling about today." He confesses.

"I thought I was to be the paranoid one, brother." Klaus rolls his eyes.

"I have a bad feeling about today." He states again, only with all of his worry and seriousness showing. "And I am weak. I transferred most of my magic and strength to Kol on the other side so that he could evade or possibly beat father." Gabriel admits, staring down to the ground in thought as Klaus' jaw drops. It's not that he regretted giving Kol his strength. He would never take back anything he's done to protect Kol or Rebekah. It just couldn't have come at a worst time.

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