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"I don't know what hurts more, someone you love hating you or self hatred

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"I don't know what hurts more, someone you love hating you or self hatred."

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After so many hours of being on edge in the car on his way to New Orleans Gabriel was sweating and his eyes were bloodshot red from trying so hard to not let his heart break just yet. He just needed to make sure his sister and Hayley were safe.

Stumbling out of his car he hears his sisters voice in the Abattoir. "I stink like Bog."

He then hears Klaus but it sounds like he's under water. "Serves you right for undermining me and saving those wolfs I sent to slaughter."

"Nik they're your family we saved them for you." Rebekah exclaims throwing her hands up in anger.

Finally getting to the door after what seemed like ages he unintentionally stumbles into the door making it slam into the wall and all three of his siblings turn to the door in alarm.

They relax when they see it was their brother but Rebekah gasps as she takes in his appearance.

"Everyone leave!" Elijah shouts to all of the vampires in the building, all of them speeding away.

Though Marcel stays.

Gabriel's whole body was visibly sweating, his eyes bloodshot red, he couldn't stand straight, and he was gasping for air.

Klaus and Elijah are the first to react as they rush to their brother just as his knees buckle. Rebekah screams out his name but he couldn't hear her. His eyes going in and out of focus.

"What happened?!" Klaus yells trying to get his elder brothers attention. Slightly slapping his face but he gets no reaction.

Suddenly Gabriel starts frantically scratching at his chest so hard that he successfully rips part of his shirt off as his wolf claws come out and dig into his chest. Blood begins oozing out like a waterfall.

"Stop!" Rebekah screams as tears come to her eyes she rushes to help her brothers attempt to restrain him.

Marcel stands back watching someone who was once a father figure to him try to tear out his own heart.

All three of his siblings teary eyed watched in bewildered and worry. They were scared. What could've brought their big brother this much pain? The one who could defeat every single Mikaelson sibling all together at once with either a flick of his hands or just his physical strength alone.

"It hurts!" Gabriel screams out as he continues to gain power over his siblings. Scratching through his chest again. Marcel rushes to help the trio by holding one of his arms down.

"What hurts?" Klaus frantically questions looking over his brother for any other injuries besides his self harm.

"Please." He begs tears falling down. "I-I don't know what's happening to me, it hurts." He sobs out.

To Be Loved By A Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now