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Gabriel is in the kitchen the next morning cooking Davina and Hayley breakfast when she walks in with Hope on her hip. Hayley walks towards Gabriel as Hope makes grabbing hands at him and as a reflex they both lean in.

Gabriel turns away at the last second when he realizes what was happening, his stomach dropping. He kisses Hopes forehead instead.

Davina walks into the kitchen, yawning as she stretches her arms out over her head.

"Good morning my little witch." Gabriel greets with a soft smile at her tired state.

Hayley had been completely horrified when she woke up and realized they had forgotten Davina was in the home still last night and they both just prayed she slept through it all. Davina looks around and her eyes widen in Deja vu, except this time Hayley has a baby. "Good morning." She greets.

Gabriel kisses her cheek and places a plate of French toast in front of her. He leans on the counter as Hayley gives Hope her bottle. "How was your sleep?" He bluntly questions but not enough to make davina suspicious.

Hayley inwardly smacks him over the head hundreds of times and Gabriel hides a smirk, knowing exactly how agitated she was with him in this moment.

Davina beams at her father. "The best sleep I've gotten in months actually. How about you guys?"

"It feels like I ran a marathon in my sleep last night. I was tossing and turning all night." He innocently replies. "How about you Hayley?"

Hayley chokes on the air and Davina looks at her in slight concern. "Sorry, water went down the wrong pipe." She lies to the young witch. Cursing Gabriel up and down in her head. " I slept fine."

"Just fine?" Gabriel questions in mock concern. "Not the best sleep you've ever and will ever have in your life?"

Hayley scowls at him and Davina looks between the two in confusion. "Am I missing something?"

"Hayley nearly had her back broken last night. Poor woman was shaking from the 'pain'" Gabriel tsks. Hayleys whole face becomes red and flustered but Davina only continues to look concerned and confused. "She stepped on one of hopes toys and fell onto the coffee table. Thank goodness she has vampire healing or she would be limping for days."

"I'm glad you're feeling better Hayley, I'll make sure to yell at klaus to pick up any messes next time. I'm gonna go pack, he should be here soon." Davina finishes up the rest of her French toast before trodding up the stairs completely oblivious.

"My daughter." Gabriel sighs happily. "Such an angel."

"Why would you say all that stuff to her!?" She scowls in anger but she was more embarrassed than angry. The blush on her face as she remembers the love making that lasted hours upon hours not going away.

To Be Loved By A Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now