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Rebekah, still in her witch vessel, is wandering around a street full of witches selling various items as she talks to her brothers via a four-way phone call

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Rebekah, still in her witch vessel, is wandering around a street full of witches selling various items as she talks to her brothers via a four-way phone call. Klaus is standing on the balcony overlooking the courtyard, watching as the werewolves spar with each other, while Elijah is looking through his closet for a suit to wear for the day.

Gabriel on the other hand is leaning against the head board with Caroline sitting between his legs leaning against his torso. The phone is on speaker, the pair playing with each other's hands in only lingerie, though fortunately his siblings weren't aware of that.

"Enough already with the family squabbling! Come on, Nik. Even you can see that the situation has become awkward." Rebekah accuses.

"There's nothing awkward about it! Hayley and Hope are belong in the compound where they are safe. As much as I would like Elijah and Gabriel's help to kill Finn, if their delicate sensibilities are offended by the presence of Hayley's new husband, then he's welcome to continue sulking across the river and Gabriel in his apartment." Klaus huffs in amusement.

"May I remind you, I moved away from that compound because of you two and trust me," Gabriel pauses as he playfully bites at Caroline's neck. "I quite prefer it here."

Rebekah silently gags and Elijah grunts in annoyance. " And as I have explained to you repeatedly, brother, my presence here in Algiers is purely to assemble allies, and given all the enemies we have afoot in the form of wayward siblings and ancient, maniacal aunt Dahlias, I would think that you would applaud my efforts."

"Well, if it's my applause you seek, you shouldn't have dashed off in a bloody huff!" Klaus raises his voice back. "And Gabriel you've been invited back plenty of times."

"To which I gladly declined, every time." Gabriel chuckles.

Rebekah sighs and tries to get them back on track. "Alright, can you two at least try and stay focused on what's best for Hope's safety?"

"I would like nothing more!"

"I am doing exactly that!"

Klaus and Elijah reply in unison.

"See? You're on the same team. Conflict resolved, crisis averted. We'll talk later, Love you Gabriel." She hangs up.

Gabriel hangs up directly after, in no mood to hear his brothers repeatedly squabble. Throwing the phone on the empty side of the bed, he slightly sits up and rubs the sides of the blondes arms. Kissing her shoulder he hums. "You have to go back soon."

Caroline sighs. "How'd you know?"

"Well..." He trails off, gesturing a raised brow towards her phone buzzing on the nightstand. "Your mystic falls friends have been calling you non-stop for days now."

"I'm not ready." Caroline confesses. "And why do you call them my Mystic Falls friends?"

He tilts her jaw sideways, allowing them to share eye contact. "Caroline Forbes, you silly, silly girl. You've been here for months now, do you honestly think the only friends you have are in Mystic Falls."

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