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Klaus, Gabriel, and elijah are having breakfast in the dining room with Kol and Vincent still bound to their cuffs that prevent them from doing magic. Servants that have been compelled place platters of breakfast pastries on the table.

Gabriel sits at the head of the table with Kol on one side of him and Klaus on the other. "Today, a new future awaits. Forget your animosity toward Elijah and myself. Instead, join us against she who truly deserves your ire: our mother." Klaus announces.

Kol rolls his eyes and Finn gazes at them all bored. "Do this, and we will welcome you with open arms!"

"Well..." Kol sighs as he reaches for a plate of pastries with his shackled hands but Klaus pulls the plate away from his reach. "But, if you continue to oppose us, a denial of pastries will be the least of your concerns!"

Gabriel scowls at Klaus and pushes the plate of pastries back into Kol's reach. Klaus growls in anger at his brother and Kol look towards him smugly. Flicking his forehead, hard, Kol lets out an 'ow!'

"Behave." Gabriel growls.

"If all you wanted was my allegiance against Mother Dearest, you should have said so! Save me a night shackled to the wall." Kol happily replies as he takes a bite of a powdered pastry.

Elijah clears his throat. "Yes, this was Niklaus. My recommendation was to remove your limbs, one by one, until you comply."

Gabriel throws a pastry at Elijahs head, rolling his eyes when he dodges it. It was blatantly obvious that Elijah was having a harder time dealing with his trauma than Gabriel was.

Klaus on the other hand finds Elijahs small outburst amusing. "We've... we've no desire to torture you. Provided you vow to stand beside us!"

Finn shrugs out of his brothers grip on his shoulder. "Brothers... Does that word even apply to us? After all these centuries of betrayal? And, has loyalty to you ever rewarded? If so, tell me, Niklaus, where is our sister, Rebekah?"

"She was blindly loyal to you for a thousand years, and now? Nowhere to be found. Where did our sister go? And, how did she escape your vile machinations?" Finn goads.

"Do not speak of my sister!" Gabriel flashes his amber eyes in warning.

"Ah, still ever so overprotective over your dear baby sister." Finn muses. "And what of your precious little brother Kol, whom you allow to be chained here, defenseless against our vile brothers."

"Oh stop nagging me you old bore." Gabriel scoffs. "Kol has gotten himself in trouble and I will protect him from any unearned punishments."

Klaus becomes nervous at the fact that he continues to bring up Rebekah but covers it up with a chuckle. "Heh! You think me vile? What, then, do you make of the one who cursed us?"

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