Mr. C & H

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Gabriel and Caroline stop when they reach the start of the Bayou

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Gabriel and Caroline stop when they reach the start of the Bayou. "Why are you stopping?" Caroline questions, slightly out of breath.

Taking a deep breath as he looks around at the forest like scenery he shakes his head. "I don't know if I can do this, Care."

"Do what?" She takes a step forward but stops when he slightly steps back.

His face looked dull. "I don't know if I can continue to fight for a woman who's slowly breaking my heart. I don't know if I can stay and watch her get married, I don't know if I can be near her all the time and not hold her, yet watch someone else do it."

Caroline purses her lips, unsure of what to say to make this better. She watches him place his hand over his heart. "This hurts, it hurts all the time and it's barely been a few days since I've found out. It feels like my hearts going to fall out of my chest."

Testing out the waters she takes a step forward, and softly smiles when he doesn't step back. She takes his hand off of his chest and leads him to a fallen tree, motioning for him to join her in taking a seat.

They sit in silence for a few moments. "You know... I fell for you because of the way you care. You held the burden of protecting all of your siblings, the world, and those you cared for. I never really thought about how unfair all of this was on you until now." Caroline looks to him sadly. "Hayley is trying to do what's best for her pack and her daughter, Klaus and Elijah are doing what's best for Hope, the rest of your family are either doing what's best for themselves or trying to destroy the world..."

At her statement they both let out a small chuckle.

"Everyone's looking out for their best interest, but no one's ever looking out for you." She finishes.

After a few seconds Gabriel grabs her hand in his. "And you say we wouldn't have worked out." He humorously chuckles. "I say you're a perfect addition to the family."

Caroline rolls her eyes playfully before becoming serious. "Gabriel... will you tell me what your feelings really are? I feel like I never know."

"Towards you?" He raises a confused brow and she nods. Taking a deep breath he kisses the back of her hand as she gingerly watches him.

"Between you and Hayley..." He sighs in slight frustration. "It feels like my hearts always being pulled in two separate directions. I thought I was over you, I was with Hayley... you broke my heart. When I came to mystic falls and we slept together I forgot about everything around me. And it wasn't lust, it was like you were the only person in my world. Then I came back to New Orleans and thinking about Hayley made me sick to my stomach because I felt like I had betrayed her. But now she's getting married and you're back and you ease this pain so much."

He looks up and Caroline can see his damp eyes. "You make me look at you like you're the only person in my entire world."

"And Hayley?" Caroline questions, not judge-mentally.

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