MR. I Got You Brother

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The three brothers enter the compound discussing the wild events surrounding them

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The three brothers enter the compound discussing the wild events surrounding them.

"So, my first sired wants to kill you. Yours wants to kill me. You love so hard you're going to die. Makes you regret turning vampires in the first place." Klaus's waves his hand in the air nonchalantly.

"Honestly I'm worried about the women. Olivia has been gone in the wind since she first revealed herself to me and auro-" Gabriel's words die out as the brothers all stare in shock in-front of them.

The cashier from the Jardin Gris shop is laying dead on the floor on a bed made of lavender sprigs. The woman has slashed both of her wrists and has presumably bled out onto the floor.

"Aurora." Gabriel whispers before throwing his hands up in exhaustion. "Never mind that thought, she's here."

Klaus, horrified, races toward the girl to examine the body and finds a letter in her hand. He picks it up and skims it quickly, and its obvious by the look on his face that it isn't good. Klaus stands to his feet before silently handing Elijah the letter, not even looking him in the eyes. Elijah curiously reads the letter aloud for Gabriel's benefit.

"Roses are red, lavender is blue. Come find me before I find you."

The brothers stand in silence for a moment.

"This is becoming too real." Gabriel whispers horrified.

Klaus scowls. "I remember her a better poet."

Elijah groans. "Oh, I wouldn't say that this is lacking in poetry."

"She wants us to find her." Klaus gets up. "Then let's."

Elijah quickly steps ahead of him. "Are you so eager, Niklaus? Last time you even said her name was a thousand years ago, when you told me to never speak it again in your presence."

Gabriel sends him a suspicious glance but otherwise stays silent.
"So, am I to wait as she leaves her little calling-cards all over my home?"

Elijah hesitates looking to the floor. "There's something you should know."

Both brothers hold their breath as they stare at Elijah. Any secret Elijah keeps is usually big. "When Mother seized control of my mind, unleashing those monstrosities that lurk behind the red door...I saw something."

Klaus seems to be hesitant on even knowing, knowing the brothers needed to be United as one for the fight ahead of them.

"Aurora was there." Elijah winces, Gabriel's eyes widen but Klaus seems annoyed. "If you mean to confess a thousand-year-old secret that will divide us after our hard-won reconciliation, then te absolvo, brother there is nothing you could have done involving her that would be worse than what she did to me."

"Please do not dismiss this, Niklaus.." Elijah pleads.

"Nik maybe we should listen." Gabriel urges feeling as though this is important if Elijah is so frantic.

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