Mr. Take My Soul

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Stefan Salvatore raises his hand to bang on the apartment door but before he has a chance the door is swung wide open and Gabriel appears

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Stefan Salvatore raises his hand to bang on the apartment door but before he has a chance the door is swung wide open and Gabriel appears.

His stomach drops and is sunk in fear as he looks at the greying woman he loved.

Davina pops up beside him and yanks his arm. "We don't have time, dad!"

The grey veins reaching right to the edge of her neck.

"Gabriel!" Stefan growls in annoyance.

Gabriel snaps out of it and gently takes the blonde out of the vampires arms, speeding her to his bed.

He peers down to her round belly and his eyes widen, he never would've been able to prepare himself for this moment. He hesitates at first but places his palm on her belly. "You've been quite a handful for your mum havent you?" He softly whispers.

Almost immediately there's a red aura emitted around his palm and her belly and slowly the color returns to her body.

"And to think we've seen it all." Kol scoffs but his eyes are wide in amazement.

"I hate to interrupt this moment but I need to leave." Stefan sighs, all eyes snap to him.

Gabriel narrows his eyes. "A few minutes should do it, then I can give you the solution and you'll be on your merry way."

Stefan shakes his head. "Mystic falls is a dangerous place right now. Ric is dead and we can't give her the protection she needs from the heretics."

"Do you think New Orleans is a bloody party right now?" Gabriel growls. "I definitely wouldn't have sent her away if it was so safe here. Heretics would be a walk in the park right now."

"We all can't be originals, Gabriel. And we all can't protect her as well as you can." He argues.

"Every person in this family is on the chopping block right now Stefan. Enemies willing to do anything to hurt us, she cannot stay here." Gabriel frustratingly growls.

"She's safest with you, Gabriel. If I take her back with me right now there's no telling what Kai will do to get to the baby." Stefan pleads. Gabriel hesitates. "Please, for her."

When they realize he's not going to answer Davina steps in. "We'll leave it up to her. When she wakes up she can decide where she goes or stays."

Stefan having never met the girl before but hearing about her from Caroline half smiles. "That's all I can ask."

Hours go by since Stefan had left with promises of staying in touch with updates on Caroline and Gabriel hadn't moved from beside his bed. Kol and Davina staying by his side through every minute.

"Not to complain, but how long would you say it takes on average for a vampire pregnant with a siphoner to wake up after nearly having their vampirism sucked out of them?" Kol questions.

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