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Dahlia had been defeated

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Dahlia had been defeated. With the surprising help from Esther they had killed their aunt once and for all. But what was left for the Mikaelsons after all the chaos?

Niklaus had never been more separated from his siblings than he was right now, although he did have Hope in his custody at all times thanks to the spell he had placed on the Cresent wolves. Elijah brings Hope to see Hayley every full moon at Gabriel's request. He felt guilty for not looking into what his brothers plans were for the mother of Hope a little bit sooner. He had tried to undo the spell but it seems his brother had thought of that ahead of time and made sure no Mikaelson witch could undo the curse.

Gabriel had also been lost in the past few months. Eventually Caroline had stopped calling no doubt dealing with her pregnancy and whatever was going on in Mystic Falls. But Gabriel was utterly lost. Nothing had been going wrong besides the inner turmoil in his family so there wasn't much to distract himself with. Gia did not deserve what Gabriel had done to her, in the moment he was so enraged that his siblings had even dared to put Caroline in danger knowing how much she meant to him. Thus bringing Rebekah and his relationship to an awkward stand still. His wolf had been little to non existent since the wedding of Hayley and Jackson and it only made his heart feel more hollow.  Davina and Kol had decided to spend a bit more time on the road seeing as the little witch had never actually travelled out of New Orleans and although Gabriel was happy that she was finally seeing the world he couldn't help but feel more alone than ever.

Gabriel places his journal he had been writing in on the coffee table as there's a knock on his door. His face turns into one of confusion when he opens the door and see's none other than Camille. "Now, I know I may need therapy. But if this is Nik sending you as a peace offering I will have to politely decline." He muses.

He goes to shut the door but she throws her hand out and stops it. He arches a brow at her actions. "I didn't come here because your brother sent me I came on my own accords."

Gabriel sighs through his nostrils and takes a step back allowing her to enter his apartment. Camille takes a look around and notices a few pictures of the blonde she had met a couple times and even a box full of things that looked to be Hayley's in the corner.

"Now Camille, I thought it was against a therapists morals to judge." He tuts.

"I'm not judging." She states, looking at the man in sympathy. "Klaus has talked quite a bit about you in our sessions. It seems like you can't ever catch a break."

"Cant return the ex's things if she cant take them now can I?" He deadpans, noticing her eying the box. " Now tell me why you are really here Camille? It cant be because you enjoy my company."

She studies him for a second and hesitates. "I came here to extend an invitation to Klaus's art exhibit."

He scoffs.

"Listen, I know he messed up but we both know how he is. He goes to extremes to protect him family and when he is angry he does unforgivable things but in his eyes he is doing them for his family. He is doing it because he is deathly afraid of ending up alone." She sighs. "He has no one to go tonight and he looked quite nervous when I told him that I could not attend. Please, just think about it."

And with that said she leaves when she realizes she was not going to get any type of response out of him.

Gabriel looks down at his hand from the door.

Stefan Salvatore is calling...

He sighs. It must be Caroline calling from his phone. He throws the phone from the couch, grabbing his jacket as he makes his way out the door.

Gabriel slowly walks into the building holding his little brothers art exhibition and looks around at all the people admiring or critiquing the paintings. He wonders who his brother had compelled in order to make this happen.

He walks past a painting that showed Genevieve naked in Klaus' bed and his face screws up in disgust.

"It's a derivative fiasco, little atmosphere, less technique. It's nothing more than a self-congratulatory ego trip." A critique snarks to another viewer.

"I wouldn't expect you to host an art show without compelling the critics to speak your praise." A voice that sounds slightly familiar speaks.

Gabriel slowly turns his head to the source of the voice and his eyes squint as he tries to comprehend what was in his vision.

Niklaus with Lucian.

Lucian and Niklaus.


"Oh fuck me." Gabriel whispers under his breath.

Klaus's eyes widen for a millisecond before he snaps back. "And I wouldn't expect an uncultured savage to crash such a formal affair."

Lucien chuckles. "Yeah, not my usual scene." He peeks at the critique. "Though, that mouthy blood bag does have a point. Your work is derivative..."

Gabriel watches as the two start conversing together like good ole friends and he pinches the bridge of his nose. He walks toward the door and compels the door boy. "Once that man over there in the black button up has left inform Niklaus that I was here."

He quickly strides out of the building and as he turns a corner he stops in his steps. Staring at the woman in front of him he groans. "I knew it."

The woman smirks. "Oh come on. Is that anyway to greet the woman who used to company your bed?"

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