16: Unrequited Like

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Ever so slowly, he approached me, eyes looking me up and down. When he came to a stop about a metre away, he whispered, "Olivia."

For a few moments, I forgot the speech I had prepared for when I saw him again, instead just staring at him, lost in him, content that he was in front of me once more.

All the while, his gaze searched me, as if trying to determine something... as if trying to figure out how he should approach me.

Cluing on to his train of thought, I quickly put him at ease, stating, "I didn't drink it."

That was all it took. Closing the distance between us, he took hurried steps forward, immediately wrapping me in his arms as he smooshed me against his chest.

At once, my heart exploded, that lasso squeezing tightly against my heart as I melted against him, arms wind around him in response.

And as I breathed him in, I realised it was my first chance to actually know what he smelled like; his shirt had notes of fresh laundry, and his skin a gentle dance of musk and cedar, homely against my cheek.

Standing there, wrapped in his embrace for a moment longer, feeling his body heat echo through me, I began to hate all those who told stories of them being cold. In this moment, Ben was nothing but warm.

But, all too soon, he pulled away, placing that distance between us once more as a slight tinge of redness graced his cheeks. Gaze looking everywhere but me, he mumbled, "Sorry... I don't know why I did that."

The lasso went limp around my heart again as my thoughts raced ahead, questioning the truth of his feelings... Did he like me? Or did he just miss his friend?

"My phone broke," I started, eyes surveying his body language.

But there was no need to be sceptical. Because he sighed in relief immediately, taking another hopeful step closer. "You weren't avoiding me?"

"Of course not."

He took another step. "You're not scared of me?"

I faltered. "I'm very scared," I started, causing him to pause, eyes hurt. "But not because of what you are," I admitted.

He slowly tilted his head in confusion.

With Lukas's words ringing in my ears, I took a deep breath and pulled deep within me for a thread of courage before I said, "You being a..." I glanced around and whispered the next word, "vampire... doesn't scare me."


I looked at my shoes, twisting one foot on the ground as I mumbled, "How you make me feel is the scariest part."

But he didn't say anything back. The silence continued to echoed around us in loud burts, and I became growingly aware of the wind in the trees, the laughter and chatter of passers-by, and the traffic moving on the street behind me.

And once the noiselessness became too deafening, I finally braved a glance upwards at him. An ever so slight, proud smirk was on his face.

Yet as our eyes met, he slowly closed the remaining distance until he was towering over me. His hand found mine, giving it a gentle squeeze.

I gave him a small shy smile, which he returned with a large warm smile. Then his free hand came up, brushing a lock of hair behind my ear.

"You're freezing," he finally said after almost nothing and everything had been exchanged in our stares. "We should get you inside."

"That would be lovely."

"Where do you want to go?"

I shrugged, but quickly thought, As long as it's with you, I don't care.

Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now