43: Proving a Point

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The next day when I woke up, it was Christmas Eve and Lukas was definitely avoiding me. The morning passed with the lot of us continuing a show we were watching together, then we ate lunch, all talking to each other and laughing (though Lukas did not once look at or talk to me), then the afternoon began and we dug out the Monopoly board.

"I don't think this is a good idea," I mumbled.

"Scared you will lose, Ollie?" Jayce asked.

I smirked at him then grabbed my player piece. I was appreciating how much more open even Jayce was being towards me especially since he helped me control my magic. Other than Lukas's weird attitude today, the group had really become my home and family. I wasn't sure what I would do if I had lost them. Which is why, when Lukas and I were alone, I had to ask him what happened. What I had done that had upset him to the point he couldn't look at me.

Yet the whole game, I felt like most of my losses were a result of Lukas. Each time I rolled, I somehow landed on his properties. Each time I drew a chance or community card, somehow he benefitted. I was the first to go bankrupt, but only Lukas had the joy of reaping my money. Almost as if he had rigged it.

But that was impossible. Because no one else picked up on it. And the witches always knew when someone was cheating.

Yet I couldn't help glaring at him while the rest of the game unfolded, studying his actions. I noticed, this time around, his mood was different. He was more subdued, more calculated. He didn't make obvious attempts to cheat, yet somehow luck was certainly in his favour.

Then I realised what his next strategy was. He was bankrupting Ben and no one else.

When Ben mortgaged his final property and gave the last of his money over to Lukas, I watched Lukas slowly integrate the stack of money into his pile. Then finally his brown eyes flickered up to mine, challenging me.

· · ───── ∘☽༓☾∘ ───── · ·

Ben, Erica, and Jayce had gone out for a walk around the town to sulk in their loss, and I, still tired from my transformation and stupid wings, decided to stay in my room. But when I heard the kettle turn on, knowing I watched Ben, Erica, and Jayce leave, I headed outside, surprised Lukas hadn't gone with them in the end knowing I was staying.

He was certainly aware of my presence as he pulled out a second mug the moment I walked in. But he didn't look at me and didn't talk to me as he put together two cups of tea.

Once made, he grabbed his and headed over to the living room, picking up his copy of The Vampyre.

Grabbing my tea, I sat down in the chair across from him, staring at him, wondering when he would put his drink down.

Yet he continued to sip at his beverage, turning pages in a much faster pace than most humans. It became increasingly clear he was in no mood for talking to me, despite the small bridge I thought he had extended.

Setting my drink on the table, I crossed my legs on the couch, looking down finally. "I'm sorry," I mumbled.

I heard the book close softly, his mug settle on the table ever so quietly, and his eyes burn into me. But I didn't look up. I couldn't meet his gaze. "What for?" he whispered.

"I don't know. But I've upset you somehow and I hate it. I don't like you not talking to me."


I finally looked up, meeting the warm brown. "Because you're the closest friend I have. I feel like I can tell you anything, show you anything about me. So you not talking to me suddenly makes me hate myself."

He heaved a sigh and looked away. "You don't have anything to apologise over, Olivia. It's all on me."

"What is?"

He shook his head, then a familiar, goofy Lukas grin spread across his face like it had never left. "You suck at Monopoly, Ollie. Did you know that?" When his eyes met mine again, there was so much kindness, humour, and openness there, yet I could still see it. A piece of Lukas hidden from me. Something he didn't want me to see. Something he felt he had to shield.

Grimacing, I picked up a pillow and threw it at him. "Jerk. You cheated."

"How did I cheat?"

"I don't know, but you did."

"If you can't prove it, then I didn't cheat."

I threw another pillow at him.

"What's that for?"

So I hurled another.

· · ───── ∘☽༓☾∘ ───── · ·

When we had finished our dinner that night, Ben began to grab everyone's plates to bring to the kitchen, but Lukas cleared his throat, bringing him to a halt.

"I have something I'd like to discuss with everyone while we are all together," he said.

Ben's brows furrowed, and my stomach tensed as I knew what was coming. I flickered my gaze between Lukas and Ben a couple of times, wanting to see how Lukas handled himself and how Ben responded. Was Ben going to be mad? Was he going to be kind?

This felt like the ultimate test for Ben to show me he valued me. That we had made progress as a couple. That the reason he still hasn't told me about Lukas's ideas was not that he was actively hiding them from me, but just that he hadn't gotten to it.

"I have a plan to take out my uncle."

Ben's hand clenched into a fist as Erica leaned forward across the table, resting her head eagerly on her hands, and Jayce's eyes glowed with excitement.

"We didn't talk about anything," Ben said through gritted teeth.

Barely glancing at Ben, deadness in his eyes, Lukas threatened, "Yes we did. You just chose to exclude everyone." And by everyone, he clearly meant me. Because Erica and Jayce immediately turned my way. And then Ben's eyes flickered nervously towards me.

I crossed my arms over my chest, jaw tensing as I watched Ben's fear of being caught become more clear.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ben said.

Before he could think twice or think to react, I placed my hand on his arm to affirm my suspicions. Unending guilt and fear raced through Ben.

Wide eyes, he yanked his arm from my touch, scooting away. "Olivia..."

Turning away from him, heart shattered, I looked to Lukas. "Please share your thoughts with us, Lukas."

Ben scooted closer to me, gently placing a hand on mine. "Olivia, let's talk before this."

And this time I yanked my hand out from under his, keeping my eyes on Lukas who began to smile like someone who had just proved a point.

	And this time I yanked my hand out from under his, keeping my eyes on Lukas who began to smile like someone who had just proved a point

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Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now