35: Friendly Banter

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Morning had broken, and I awoke to the slight tickling sensation along the bare skin of my back. I let out a soft groan, prying one eye open to find Ben, propped up on one elbow, smiling down at me as he continued to trace his fingers up and down on my spine.

"Morning, beautiful," he whispered, leaning down to kiss my head.

"Mmm. Morning," I mumbled, closing my eyes again briefly before opening both, taking him in. Curly locks and dark eyebrows framed his deep blue eyes that swirled as he raked me in, the corners of his lips turned upwards. Porcelain, shirtless chest exposed, showing his lean muscles. "How long have you been doing that?"

"Doing what?" he asked, moving his fingers back up over my back.

"Staring at me. Touching me."

"Quite a while now..." He wasn't embarrassed by his admission though. He just continued to look at me, softly. "You're so peaceful when you're sleeping."

Laughing, I gripped onto the bedsheet as I rolled over, covering myself up. "Creeper much?"

"Only for you." He shuffled closer, wrapping his arms around my naked top. We still had our underwear on. While things got really heated last night, we stopped just before it went too far. I had a mini panic when he began to nudge my underwear down and the mood was certainly over at that point.

Nonetheless, I loved the feeling of his skin touching mine where normally I'd be clothed. The warmth and softness sent bliss through my body as I snuggled closer into him. "Can we stay like this all day?" I whispered.

"I'm afraid not. We have to head to our next stop."

Sighing I buried my head into his chest, beginning to press kisses along his collar bone. "What if I tempt you?"

Chuckling, he let me kiss him for a while before gently pushing me back, hand cupping my cheek as he stared into my eyes. "I would love nothing more than to lay here all day, kissing every inch of your body." His eyes burned bright with lust as the words exited his mouth. But too soon it was over, replaced by a seriousness. "But breakfast is ready and Erica insists we come down."

I groaned, falling back into the sheets. "No!"

He lightly nibbled my shoulder—not enough to break skin of course—before climbing out of bed, reaching for his pants.

"Keep those clothes off and get back here," I said.

He shook his head, getting up and searching for a shirt.

"Ben!" I complained once more.

"Come down when you're ready."

Frowning, I watched him leave the room. I laid in bed for a few moments longer, hating that the moment was over. And slightly upset with myself for spoiling the mood of last night. Nonetheless, before I could let the thoughts spiral too far, Ben's words echoed through my head.

It will take time, Olivia, he had said. But each time as I show you that I understand how to stop when you're scared or don't want more, that wall you built will break. Don't build it back up by overthinking your reaction. Don't hate yourself for the hurt someone else caused you.

And with that thought coaxing me out of the sadness, I threw my legs out of the bed and went to put clothes on.

Before I could bring myself to join the group downstairs, I ducked into the bathroom to fix my hair. Yet one look at myself had me stumbling backwards.

Ever so slowly, I shuffled my feet forward, eyes focussed on my neck. I craned my neck forward, tilting my head this way and that to look at the spot where he had bitten.

"You've got to be kidding me," I whispered.

"Ollie!" I heard Erica's voice shout up the stairs.

"Ugh!" I groaned, and played with my hair, trying—and failing—to hide it.

I took the stairs two at a time until I had reached the kitchen, trying to tilt my head in a way that made my hair fall more forward.

"Something wrong with your neck, Ollie?" Lukas asked from his seat at the table by Ben.

"No, why?" I asked, playing with the ends of my hair. My eyes flickered to Ben, who was doing his best to hide his smirk as he scrolled through his phone, pretending he was paying no attention to the conversation.

I shot him a glare as I realised he was well aware what he had done to me.

But the movement had evidently exposed me, as Lukas was out of his seat, in front of me in an instant. His eyes zeroed in, narrowing as he leaned closer, prying my hair to the side with a single finger to avoid touching me.

"Hmm," he said.

"What?" I asked, squirming away from him.

"Nice hickey," he responded, a Lukas grin spreading over his face. He turned his head, throwing over his shoulder to Ben, "You should have bitten while you were there."

"He did," I said before I could stop myself. Ben's eyes widened, phone lowering as he turned to look at me, a blush spreading across his face as he shook his head at me. But it was too late.

When my eyes met Lukas's again, for a brief moment, I thought I mistook a sadness in his eyes. But before I could be sure, it was gone, a sly smirk spreading over his face. "Did he now?"

Blushing, I looked down, walking past him towards the table.

"Your first human bite," Lukas continued to coo. "They grow up so fast!" He fake a sniffle.

My feet came to a stop, my eyebrows dropping.

Noticing my reaction, Ben said, "I'd stop the commentary now, if I were you, Lukas."

"Tell me, Ben. How did she taste?"

I spun on my heel, racing right over to Lukas, hooking my arm around his neck as I pulled him down, scruffing his hair. "Shut up if you know what's good for you."

"Ahh! Olivia. Stop!" he screamed.

"Say you're sorry."

"I'm sorry," he cried in pain.

I stopped scruffing his hair, but kept my arm hooked around him. "Say you won't make inappropriate comments again."

"I can't make that promise."


"I can't! But I'm really sorry and I won't say anything more today," he got through clenched teeth.

Sighing, I released him and he frowned at me, raising his hands, sparks emanating from his fingertips.

"Lukas," Ben warned, lifting himself up from the table.

"How come she can use her magic on me and I can't just turn her hair green for a day or something?" he complained back to Ben, not talking to me anymore.

"Because you started it."

With a sigh, the sparks stopped and Lukas lowered his hands, walking back over to the table and sitting down across from me.

We shared glares for a while as Erica and Jayce placed the final breakfast plates on the table, taking their seats. Lukas was the first to cave, his shoulders relaxing as his gaze softened. Then he winked at me and picked up a wad of salami.

 Then he winked at me and picked up a wad of salami

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Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now