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Jodie's Residence 786 Marlene Dr

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Jodie's Residence
786 Marlene Dr.
Los Angeles, CA

The sound of the metal gate sliding open caused Sadie to jump back a little. She still haven't recovered from Jodie interrogating her yesterday.

True enough she felt some type of way about the sight of Beverly walking in as if she was the important person of the night played back in Sadie's mind like an old record. She still could smell her scent of cream and vanilla. Why did she have to be so damn perfect? She was everything, and the more she stared at her, she knew exactly what Jodie saw in her.

So when Jodie asked her to stop by her house, she was a little hesitant. She had enough of Beverly encounters before she would eventually speak her thoughts. None were negative, it was just the simple fact that she wanted to be in her place. How much longer did she have to bare this pain? When was her feelings for Jodie going to finally come to the light?
Her worn out Converses took step by step on the stone square steps. The heavily large door swung open with Jodie grinning from ear to ear. She looked down before sighing as she lean to pick up a small dog. She had on black basketball shorts and a t-shirt that read "Protect Black Women". Just from the sight of it caused Sadie to laugh to her self. She looked like she just woke up with her hair that were usually in braids was now all over her head. Giving the dog that she held tightly with one arm she gave it a gentle rub before her eyes met back up at Sadie.
"I should've known you would be here on time" she said, opening the door wider to let her inside. Sadie slowly walked in, to a dim house. The dark burgundy curtains were blocking any sun from coming in and the blinds being completely shut didn't make it no better. Soft tunes of Wale filled the house, giving it a chill but restless environment. Jodie closed the door, not forgetting to lock it. She creeped on the side of her, guiding them both to the front area.

Art displayed on the white shadow walls. One in particular caught Sadie's eye, a woman who she assumed had to be nude. "Beverly" Jodie said looking over her shoulder, the dog still resting in her arms. "It was a birthday gift from Beverly two years ago" a smile appeared on her face.
Just by the look, she knew that the woman in the picture was indeed, Beverly—in full nudity. "Oh" was all she could say, as she turned, hoping that Jodie caught on and continued to lead the way.

When they made it around the corner, the large pale couch back was face against them. A figure was sitting there, flicking through the channels, disregarding the music playing loudly. "Baby" Jodie whispered, walking around the couch. She leaned down to hand over the dog but not before kissing the person. "Sadie's here"

She turned her neck, facing towards Sadie, who stood in the same place awkwardly. Beverly hair was wrapped in a beige scarf. Her face completely free of makeup and Sadie swore she was even more beautiful. "Hey girl" she said, waving.
Out of self consciously thinking, she just nodded. "Hey" she murmured. She showed no animosity towards Beverly as if she didn't give them both attitude at her dinner party.

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