The Diagnosis - David Kay - Swat - Part 2

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It's a few days later. Also the day that you go in for surgery. They want to see how much of the cancer they can remove before starting chemotherapy. The whole of the team is gathered in your hospital room

"Is it okay to be nervous?" You ask with your hands shaking

"More than okay! But everything is going to be fine!" Chris adds as she smiles

"I know but there's complications and risks! Not to mention the medical bills!" You say in a panic

"Which have been payed for! Everything is going to be fine" Deacon says smiling

"And plus no one can take down Y/N Kay just yet!" Hondo adds as the doctor walks in

"Are we ready Mrs Kay?" The Doctor asks

"As I'll ever be" You add

"I love you more than anything" Deacon says as he plants a kiss on your forehead

"I love you David" You say as he makes a face at you

"Your not going to die, trust me" Deacon adds before your put under

The team is gathered in the waiting room. Deacons leg is bouncing up and down. The team know that this is a nervous thing he does

"She's going to pull through" Hondo adds

"I know she is! Don't know why I'm so nervous!" Deacon says

There eyes are then drawn to the hall where doctors are running about

"I need a doctor in here! Now!" A nurse yells as thousands of doctors run into your room

"Isn't that?" Hondo asks but deacon is already at the door

Deacon can see doctors doing CPR on his wife whilst she is bleeding from her mouth

"Push a round of Epi!" The doctor orders

This goes on for about 10 minutes and deacon is watching every second

"There's no change" The nurse adds

"Time of death. 13:34" The doctor says as deacon runs in

"No! Continue! Please!" Deacon yells as he looks at you

"There's nothing we can do sir" The nurse admits as deacon sobs

Hondo is in the back of the room with tears streaming down his face

"You can go to sleep now! You can finally rest! I'm going to be okay without you. God that's a lie! I need you baby! Wake up!" Deacon shouts as he lifts your lifeless head up

"Deek!" Hondo mutters

"Please! Wake up!" Deacon yells as he shakes your head more

"Deacon stop! Your hurting her!" Hondo yells as he takes deacon away from you

"I'm not! She's dead! My wife is dead! She's not coming home!" Deacon yells

It's a week after your death. The team still haven't gotten over it. It's the day of your funeral. Prior to your operation you had made a tape, to be played and that's exactly what happened. Deacon then plays the tape and everyone goes silent

"I made this video just in case the worst happened and If your seeing this then it did! Deacon your not allowed to be sad for too long! I want you to move on! Have kids! Teach them to be a bad ass just like their dad! The last 10 years have been amazing and i was always so so glad to call myself Mrs Kay for as long as I did! Hondo you were the best team leader I could have asked for. You were so patient with me and never battered an eye lid if I needed anything. Chris you were my best friend and I don't know what I would've done without you" The video says as everyone is in tears

The video then talks about the team and everything until it stops

"A toast. To a very special woman. Y/N Kay" Hondo says as he raises a glass

"Goodnight baby" Deacon says as he raises his glass

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