Halstead! - Jay Halstead - Chicago PD - Part 2

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What have you done now?" Jay asked as he sat down

It was just me and him in a side room, I knew there was a cop behind the glass but god I didn't care

"A couple of years ago I was targeting this terrorist and things went south really quickly, he shot at me and I shot back. He was dead there was no doubt about it. However he had a brother who is now threatening to come after me" I explained as I fiddled with my hands below the desk

"Quit it" Jay added

"Huh?" I said as I looked up

"The hand thing, you do it when your nervous. Everything's gonna be okay" Jay explained as he put his hand on top of mine

"Uhh thanks Halstead" I said as I pulled my hand away

I always felt like I had to put on this mask, of constantly being brave. I was never allowed to be scared, that was the civilians job not mine. Jay always saw that I was nervous and made me feel safe without even knowing he was doing it.

Days went by and nothing was happening. I was walking home from the grocery store when I felt a hand being placed on my back. My gun was sitting on my hip and I turned around and saw a masked man standing. I pulled out my gun, causing the civilians in the grocery shop to scream. The man started to run but I knew exactly who it was. A woman then ran past me and I grabbed her arm

"I want you to call 911, tell them it's Luitenent Y/L/N" I ordered as the woman nodded and shakily got out her phone

I then grabbed my gun and started to follow the man, I finally cornered him in the back of the store

"Come on Derek! Give it up!" I yelled, pointing my gun at him

"You killed him! You deserve to die!" Derek yelled

"We both know he was a bad man! He didn't deserve to live! Look out the gun down and you can walk away!" I yelled

"That's a lie! Your just trying to get in my head!" Derek screams

"Put the gun down NOW!" I yelled at the top of my lungs

Derek panicked and dropped the gun, however it landed weird and shot. The bullet pierced my shoulder causing blood to splatter on my face. Jay then ran in and I cuffed Derek.

"Y/N! You okay?" Jay asked as he picked Derek up from me

"Yeah, get him" I said, Jay still not noticing the blood

Jay picked him up and roughly took him outside, I sat down, trying to ignore the pain coming from my shoulder. I then walked out and Jay came rushing over to me

"Is that your blood?" He yelled, inspecting my shoulder

I just looked at him, feeling dizzy and unable to focus, I then collapsed and he caught me in his arms

"I need a medic!" I heard Jay scream

I then felt my head being rested on a stretcher and felt someone's hand link with mine.

"Your going to be alright" I heard Jay mutter

And then everything went black....

*Jays POV*

The waiting game was killer, I was pacing up and down the waiting room, fiddling with my hands nervously. Kevin tried once or twice to get me to sit down but I wasn't having it. I needed to make sure she was okay. After another hour I saw a Will walk out. I ran up to him

"She's out of surgery and doing good. We controlled the bleeding and luckily the bullet didn't hit an artery" Will explained

"Can I see her?" I asked

"Family only I'm afraid" Will explained as I shot him a look

"Fine, off the books" He said as he let me in

I walked in to see Y/N lying, semi awake

"Hey" Y/N muttered

"Don't you dare do that to me again" I said as I laughed

"I'm not planning on" Y/N said as they put their hand on top of mine

I looked at her and kissed her, which I had been wanting to do ever since she left

"I've missed you" Y/N muttered

"Not as much as I've missed you" I said smiling

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