SOS - Jim Street - Swat

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Your sitting in work alongside your husband of only a year, Jim Street. You met 5 years ago on the job and it's been smooth sailing ever since. You are a swat Sargent alongside Hondo and deacon however you haven't managed to bag your own team yet.

"Why would someone be so stupid?" Street asks as he walks in with his IPad

"You'd be surprised" Chris adds

"What did you find?" You ask as he beams the iPad onto the big screen

"Amira London, daughter of Roman London" Street says as he puts a picture of her up

"What does the daughter of a drug lord have to do with the case?" You ask

"That's our only way of getting to our friend Roman here" Street explains

"And how do you plan on doing that?" Deacon asks

"I know your not going to like it but I pose undercover as Amira's fiancé. It'll get me closer to Roman as he'll think that I'm his new son in law" Street explains

"Y/N?" Deacon asks

"Fine! But if you come back with so much of a limb hanging off your body then Ill pull another one off!" You threaten as Jim walks over to you and gives you a kiss

"Sorry boss" Jim says as you smile

It's the day that street goes undercover and let's just say your nerves are getting the better of you. You know that street can handle himself. You and deacon are sitting in a car acting like a normal couple sightseeing

"Baby! Look at that house!" You shout as street walks in

"Woah honey! Stand and get a picture!" Deacon shouts as he gets the camera out

You and deacon both make sure your guns are hidden when a security man comes to the gate

"Well Howdy there sir!" You say in a southern accent

"You guys can't be taking pictures here" He yells

"Oh my goodness! So sorry sir!" Deacon says in a questionable southern accent

"And plus aren't you a little old for her" The man asks

"Why she's only half of a century older than me!" Deacon explains

"Yeah okay. Well you folks better skedaddle!" The man says as you both walk away

You and deacon both sit in the car

"What the hell was that deacon?" Hondo asks through the radio

"What?" Deacon replies

"That was the worst accent I've ever heard!" Chris says through the radio

"It was pretty bad deacon" You say as you laugh

Meanwhile inside

"You must be Jacob" Roman asks in a husky voice

"Pleasure to meet you sir!" Street says as he holds out his hand

"Yes" Roman relies as street awkwardly takes away his hand

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" Roman asks as he sips his scotch

"To give her the best life possible staring with our wedding" Street says as Roman turns around

"Wrong answer!" Roman yells as he pulls a gun out and shoots street

Roman and his men leg it along with his daughter. Street is lying there bleeding out

In the car you and Deacon heard the gun shot and initiate. You run in to see your husband lying on the floor on the brink of death

"Baby! Come on stay with me!" You shout as you grab his hand

"This is 40 David! I need an ambulance to our location ASAP!" You yell down your radio

*Authors Note*
Does anyone have any requests? It can be from Swat or One Chicago! Even a character that you want to be included! If you do don't be scared to comment them! Thank you!

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