Christmas on shift - Chicago Fire - Kelly Severide

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''Twas the nightshift before Christmas and all throughout the firehouse was as quiet as a mouse. Well that's because all of 51 were still at home. Some how they had landed the Christmas Day shift.

The next morning in the Severide/ Casey house hold

"How did we land the Christmas Day shift?" I laughed whilst drinking my coffee

"We haven't worked Christmas Day in years" Casey added

"Not since I've got with this one" Kelly added as he kissed me

Me and Kelly have been together for 10 years and married for 5 so maybe that statement was a bit of a lie.

"Antonio is going to drop Louie by around 5" Dawson said

"Great, we'd better get going" I said as I lifted my keys

After a short drive we arrived at the firehouse. I was the PIC on 61 along with Gabby.

"Ho ho ho!" Mouch said as he walked out in a Santa suit

"Wow Mouch you've really out done yourself this year" I laughed

"The kids aren't coming till later" Dawson explained

"I know, gotta practice getting "ho ho ho's" in" Mouch said as I laughed

"Well we'll leave you to it" Gabby said as she took my arm and guided me away

A couple of hours have passed and I was walking by bodens office

"Y/N come here!" Casey yelled as I walked in

"Yeah?" I asked as I leaned against the door frame

"Take our picture will you?" Otis asked as he handed me his phone

"Sure...But one thing" I said

"What?" Boden asked

"Why does only Otis have antler ears on?" I asked

"Excuse you! They're candy canes!" Otis argued

"Right, hold that thought!" I said as I ran out

I ran out and grabbed tinsel and this green Garland thing. I wrapped the tinsel around Mouch and the Garland around Casey. I then walked up to chief with a Santa hat

"Don't even think about it" He said as he held his hand up

"Come on chief!" I laughed

"I'm with chief, I'm taking this-" Casey said as I stopped him

"Do that and I'll cut all your hair off and make it into tinsel" I yelled

"Will you just take the picture already!?" Otis yelled

"Okay! Okay!" I said as I got into position

"Smile!" I said as I held the phone up

But only Otis smiled

"Tough crowd" I laughed as I snapped the picture

"Doesn't daddy look silly?" Dawson asked as Louie ran in

"Hey!" Casey said as he wrapped Louie into a big hug

"Go see dad" Donna said as Terrance ran over to Boden

"Uncle Mouch!" Max yelled as he ran in

"Max Herrmann get back here!" Herrmann yelled as he ran in

I slipped out and found Kelly standing at the door

"Hey you" I said as he wrapped me into a hug

Kelly smiled then kissed me

"Yuck!" Annabelle yelled

"Well hello miss Annabelle" I said as got down to her level

"I got a new doll! Come see!" She yelled as she took my hand

"Woah! Careful!" I said as she dragged me away

Kelly smiled as Casey walked over

"You guys are going to make great parents one day" He said as Louie ran off with max

"I know" Kelly smiled

"Dinner idiots!" Lee - Henry yelled

"I'm going to kill that kid. LEE HENRY!" Herrmann said as he walked out

Kelly and Casey laughed as they followed him

They walked in to see me and Cindy finishing off the table

"Great table this year Cindy" Kelly said as he smiled

"Oh please that was all Y/N's doing" Cindy added

"It really wasn't, now let's eat!" I said as Capp carried over the turkey

"Careful it's hot!" He said as he put it down

We all sat down to a very full table, there was loads of food and everyone was laughing.

"Should we say what we're thankful for or something?" Cruz asked

"That's thanksgiving idiot" Dawson laughed

"How come she doesn't get into trouble for saying idiot?!" Lee - Henry yelled

"Because I'm an adult" Dawson laughed

"I think that's a good idea, Christmas is like thanksgiving right?" I added

"Let's do it then" Boden said as everyone closed their eyes

Little did everyone know I had a surprise up my sleeve

"I'm thankful for the family we have here at 51 without them I'd be no where" I said as I smiled

"Amen" Eveyone said as they picked up their glasses

"To new arrivals" I said as everyone looked at me

"What?" Dawson asked

"Yeah what new arrivals?" Kelly asked

"Annabelle? Can you show them the thing I gave you?" I asked as she smiled

"Look! That's a baby!" Annabelle said as she held up an ultrasound picture

"No way" Kelly said as he looked me

"I guess we need to start planning the nursery" I said as Kelly jumped up and hugged me

"Woah!" I said as he wrapped his arms around me

"I'm going to be a dad!" He said

"You are" I smiled

Everyone then came up and congratulated me

"Now let's eat!" Lee - Henry said as everyone laughed

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