Life's Unfair - Matt Casey - Chicago Fire + Med

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TW: This chapter contains mentions of a miscarriage, if you are going/gone through this I'm so sorry. I'm trying to bring awareness to this topic however if it's sensitive towards you please do not continue on with the chapter.

"And then she gave me a sticker for being such a smart boy!" Jason said with excitement in his eyes

"Well I think that's very cool, now mom and dad he needs to take these twice a day" I said as I passed them the prescription

"He will, Say thank you to the doctor Jason" His mother suggested

"Thank you Dr.Casey!" Jason said as she got off the bed

"No problem kiddo" I smiled as they walked out

A couple of weeks ago I got that second line, it was so faint you could barley see it but it was there. Me and Matt(My husband of 5 years) weren't trying however we both wanted kids in the future. I had been having aches and pains in my stomach all day but I just kinda skipped over it. I moved on to my next patient

"Hey Ethan? Can you go over this for me?" I asked walking out of the room

"Woah" Ethan said as I looked up

"It'll only take you a second" I laughed

"Why don't we sit down?" Ethan asked as he lead me into the staff room

"Ethan?" I asked

"There's blood running down your legs..." Ethan said

"No there's not, Ethan. There can't be" I said as tears formed in my eyes

I knew there was, I could feel it. I had lost it, the baby. I hadn't even found out the gender yet.

"I'll call Matt" Ethan said as he walked out holding his phone

Ethan came back in, minutes later. I hadn't moved, I couldn't. Ethan took my hands

"Let's get you into a treatment room" Ethan said as he lead me out

He got me into a gown and I was sat on the edge of the bed when Matt came running in

"Y/N?!" He asked as I looked up

"I love you" I said, the tears streaming down my face

"I love you more, what's going on?" He asked, his tone softening

"I was pregnant Matt, I was just waiting for the right time to tell you. But then blood began to run down my legs, there's no baby anymore Matt" I sobbed

"Hey! It's okay! We're going to get through this! We always do" Matt said as he hugged me, not wanting to show his tears

It's the next day and Matt had gone to get a coffee, Jason then came running in

"Jason!" I said as I whipped my tears

"Did you tell him! Did you tell him!" He yelled

Shoot, I forgot. Jason was one of my "regulars" I tell him everything, he's too young to understand anyway.

"Wait? Why are you in a hospital gown?" Jason asked

"I told him buddy" I smiled

"What did he say?!" Jason asked, practically bouncing from excitement

"Well you see sometimes when women get pregnant the baby doesn't want to be on this earth with us, they want to be an angel up in the sky" I explained

"Did your baby want to be an angel Miss Casey?" Jason asked, his bouncing now stopped

"Yeah they did" I sobbed

"Well I'm sure they still love you! You are going to make the best mom one day!" Jason said

"Come here you" I said as Jason gave me a big hug

"Thank you for making me feel better!" I smiled

"Thank you for saving my life" Jason said before running off

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