Forgetful - Connor Rhodes - Chicago Med/PD/Fire

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Neurology, a specialty that was "hard" to get into. Who would want to work with brains all their life? My mother always asked me this question, the short answer was because when I was 5 my dad forgot who I was after an injury at work. No one told me until my 8th birthday, we went to visit him. I learned my mother had divorced him because she simply couldn't be seen with my dad anymore. Can you tell my parents had money? 10 years after graduating I'm the head of neurology at Gaffney Chicago Medical Centre. I see family's go through what mine did everyday, except I have to comfort a sobbing wife after telling her that her husband will probably never remember who she is. I met Connor 5 years ago and fell in love with him 3 years ago. We got engaged 7 months ago. He's still the trauma fellow

"Connor! Y/N! I need you to go with the ambo crew. There was a big explosion 3 blocks down last night. No one reported it, PD asked for you both" Goodwin explained

"So we need to?" Connor asked

"Identify bodies, Yep" Goodwin said

"We're on it" I said smiling

We arrived a short time later, Jay greeted us and filled us in on what was happening. Connor agreed to go in first whilst I got the kit.

"Hey? Does that building look unstable to you?" Jay asked

I looked up and quickly noticed. Jay began to walk towards the building

"Jay!" I yelled as I ran over

Within 2 seconds the building blew up once again, Jay and I were knocked back due to force. I woke up to the sound of my ears ringing.

"Connor?!" I yelled as the firefighters started to arrived

I got up and started to run over, I then felt hands around my waist holding me back

"I'm not letting you go in there!" Kelly yelled

"Get off of me Kelly!" I said, trying to squirm away

"I'll get him out but I'm not letting you die for him!" Kelly yelled

Kelly was like a big brother to me. On my days off work I would hang out at the firehouse. It's only been in the past few months that our shifts have changed, we're now on at the same times. He always makes an effort to come and check on any patients he's brought in, especially kids.

I took a step back and Kelly ran in. I walked over to Jay who was bleeding heavily from the back of his head.

"Let me see" I said

"I'm good, it'll pass" Jay said, clearly in pain

"Sit your ass down Halstead" I said firmly

He then sat on the edge of his truck and I started to examine the back of his head

"You'd make a great cop, your scary enough for it" Jay laughed

"I think I'll stick to fixing people" I laughed

"Your head needs a few stitches, go with ambo" I said

"Thanks Y/N" Jay said as he began to walk away

I then looked over to the building to see Kelly running out with Connor over his shoulder, I ran over as Kelly lay him on the ground...

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