Shes bleeding out! - Jay Halstead - Chicago PD - Part 2

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All I could see was Jay standing over me, he had tears in his eyes and his mouth was moving yet I couldn't hear a word he said. All I heard was constant ringing and the gossiping of the people surrounding me. I fought and fought until I felt myself getting tired. I tried to hold on but I felt my eyes close and everything went black

*Jays POV*

"Y/N!" I yelled

"Where is my god damn ambo!" I yelled

"Jay what's going on?" Gabby asked as she appeared at my side

"What the hell do you think is going on Gabby! Help her for god sake!" I yelled as I felt a hand on my shoulder

"Calm down" Sylvie said as she took my place and I stood up

The next thing I know I was watching Y/N being taken away in an ambo, my hands were covered in her blood as was my newly white shirt.

"Jay?" Voight asked as he ran over

"That bastard got her!" I yelled clearly in some sort of state

"What bastard?" Voight sighed

"The one with the Instagram posts, he actually went and did it!" I yelled, pacing up and down

"Did they say how" Voight asked as I spoke over him

"No! Y/N might not make it through the night!" I yelled as Voight stepped closer to me

"Go to the hospital, I'll deal with things here" He ordered as I nodded

On the way to the hospital I felt myself zoning out which probably wasn't the best idea considering I was driving. I arrived a short time later, Maggie greeted me at the door

"How is she?" I asked bluntly

"She in surgery, connors trying to control the bleed" She explained as I sat down

"I've got him from here Maggie" Sylvie muttered

She then came and sat down next to me, she placed her hand on my knee and turned to face me

"She's going to pull through" She said with a smile

Me and Sylvie dated for a month or two a while back, I was getting over Erin and she was getting over Antonio. It was never anything serious. She knew I was in love with Y/N

"And if she doesn't?" I asked

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it" Sylvie explained as Connor walked out

"She's stable for now. I controlled her bleeding and did everything in my power" Connor explained

"Is she going to make it?" Sylvie asked

"We won't be sure until the morning" Connor explained as he walked away

Hours later I was allowed in to see her. I walked in and saw Y/N lying hooked up to all these machines. I sat next to her and smiled

"I'm going to put this bluntly...I need you to wake up. Erin left me and then you came into my life. Your all I need in life. You've gotta wake up, you can't leave me hanging!" I explained as I sobbed

*3 Months later*

"Are you sure your ready to come back?" I asked as she smiled

*Y/N's POV*

"I'm sure Jay" I laughed

"You can take another week if you need it" He argued

"Your too sweet" I said as I kissed him

"We're going to catch him I promise" Jay muttered

"And if we don't?" I asked

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it" Jay said as he smiled

I then grabbed my bag to see a missed call from an unknown number. They left a voicemail and I played it.

"I see you survived this time, wait till I get my hands on you once more Detective" A man said as Jay went pale

"Jay" I asked...

Part 3???

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