High - Matt Casey + Kelly Severide - Chicago Fire

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*TW- This chapter contains Drugs, please do not read if this is a sensitive topic for you. Remember help is out there*

"I'm not high!" I yelled

"Yes you are! Stop lying Y/N! Face the music!" Kelly yelled

He was right, I was high as a cloud. I didn't want to admit it though. My brother and my boyfriend were standing in front of me like 2 concerned dads giving me the famous dad look. I had been with Kelly for 2 years now. We met on the job, I was assigned to his truck and here we are. I only started to get high about 6 months ago...

*6 Months Earlier*

"Y/N! Do you copy!" I heard my radio buzz as I looked down at the unconscious man lying beneath me

It was Herrmann, the only father figure in my life. I froze and I didn't know what to do. I knelt down and assessed him. He had fallen and hit his head. I checked for a pulse but couldn't find one

"Y/N!" Kelly yelled as he found me

"He's gone" I said coldly

"What?" Kelly asked

"Herrmann is dead" I said looking at the lifeless body underneath my hand

And he was, his funeral was a week later and it was tough. Kelly comforted me in every way he could but as usual I pushed him away. I met with a dealer that night

"How much do you need?" The man asked

"Just enough to help me sleep" I replied as I handed him the money and he handed me the dope

I took it that night and it knocked me out cold, however as the weeks went on I started taking it more, and more and more. By the 4th week my eyes were puffy, my pupils were dilated, my face was red and I was eating everything in sight. I stumbled into work and Kelly took one look at me

"Go home" He said

"What?" I asked not too sure how many Kelly's were standing in front of me

"Your high, go home" Kelly muttered as he lead me out

He knew what was going on, but again I pushed him away. He tried to help in little ways by making sure I ate or drank anything. But the one thing he didn't do was tell me brother and I loved him for that.

"I'm not high!" I protested

"Yes you are!" Kelly argued

"Prove it!" I said not being able to stand up straight

"I think I just did, or do I need to go get a test kit from ambo?" Kelly asked

"No you don't" I added before turning and walking away

*6 Months Later*

"Tell us what's going on Y/N?" Casey added

"Herrmann'a dead! And it's all my fault!" I sobbed

"We both know that's not true!" Kelly said

"Of come on Kelly! Of course it is! If I hadn't of frozen up then Annabelle would still have a dad right now and Cindy would have a husband! I killed him!" I sobbed as I felt to the ground

"Come here, I've got you" Kelly said as he put his arms around me and I sobbed in them

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