Were you drunk?! - Matt Casey - Chicago Fire - Part 2

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"I told you we'd get him" Jay laughed

"Show me the tape" I said

"You know I can't do that" Jay replied

"Oh yes you can, it's my client in there. Let me see the evidence you have on him" I said

"Fine" Jay said as he got the tape up

The video showed a man in Casey's car with a CFD uniform on

"Really? That could be anyone in the CFD!" I yelled

"Driving his car?" Jay asked

"Oh please! They all lost Darden that day! They all have anger towards him. There's was 12 firehouses that got off duty at that time. Casey might have lent his car to someone" I stated

"I suggest you bring that up with your client" Jay said smugly

I walked past his desk and grabbed the keys, I locked the room behind the interrogation room and then walked in. Casey was sat handcuffed to the wall. I walked over to him and lifted his face up

"Your high?! In a police station! Of my god Casey!" I yelled

"Keep your voice down!" Casey said

"Look I don't care if your high! But I need you to tell me. Did you do it?" I sighed

"I told you already! I can't remember Y/N!" Casey yelled

"Raise your fucking voice at me again and your doing this trial on your own got it?" I yelled

"I guess" Casey muttered

"Jays coming in here any minute okay, you don't say a word to him and for the love of god don't make eye contact" I sighed as I sat down next to him

Jay then walked in with files in hand, he sat down and smirked directly at me.

"So Captain, where we're you the night of the hit and run?" Jay asked

"I was at the grocery store, getting milk" Casey said

"The same grocery store as the guy you killed?" Jay asked

"Jay" I said as I made eye contact with him

"What! I'm only asking the man a question!" Jay defended

"I didn't kill him, I don't even know who the man is" Casey said

"So that's the statement your giving me? That you didn't kill him?" Jay said

"You didn't ask my client to make a statement, you have no legal right to take that as a statement" I said

"Okay, fair enough. However Captain you knew who killed Andrew Darden didn't you?" Jay asked

"I was on shift, we didn't find out. I don't know his name. Darden died that night in a fire, even if some idiot set it. I would never kill someone. And you can take that as my statement" Casey said

I sighed as I looked at Jay

"Okay I'm all done here, sit tight. I don't think it'll be long until I charge you" Jay smirked as he walked out

"What part of don't talk do you not understand Matt?!" I yelled

"Oh come on, your one of the best lawyers in Chicago. You'll be able to get my out of this" Casey said

"I may be one of the best but I'm currently dating my client which is frowned upon and it doesn't help that this particular client is high!" I yelled

"Keep your voice down!" Casey yelled

"Look Matt, I love you but your going to need to be honest with me" I said

Matt looked up at me

"Did you kill that man?" I asked softly

Matt hesitated as he looked at me

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