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The first thing I did is to meet Jake's eyes and sure enough, he was there to nod at me, his way of telling me that it wouldn't get down for the worse. He's aware of how much of a negative thinker I could be.

But how can I not? The worst partner I could get was just sitting behind me. My hands became clammy as I waited with anticipation for Mr. Song to announce my name with my other classmate while not mentioning his name.

Why do we even need a partner when we all know one person would give all the job to the other?

Mr. Song started calling out the names, and I wanted to run out of the room every second that I'm still not partnered up with anyone else.

"Heeseung and Taehyun"

"Ryujin and Lia"

"Jake and Sunghoon"

"Yeonjun and Soobin"

"Peter and MJ"

"Y/N and Jay"

And that's it. My soul had left my body instantly. Why God, what did I do to deserve this? I have done nothing but good. I always prayed because Jake said so. I mean sure, I once stole money from mom's wallet but only to buy midnight snack.

Also, I convinced Sunoo that Niki's favorite is mint choco in his birthday, so you can already imagine what had happened that night in their dorm and even Jake puked it out in front of our friend.

And sure I said mean stuff about Jay, but only in my head and honestly, he deserved it.

"Mr. Song, can I have another partner who is not mute and a stupid one like her?", Jay said suddenly, and it stopped me from talking to myself in my mind.

I take it as an offense by swiftly turning around my head and glared daggers at him making sure he could see that I'm getting enough. His eyes held me back from my seat as he gave me one of his cocky little smirks.

Dayum, it looks so irresistible. Get a hold of yourself, Y/N!

How dare that asshole belittle me! In my opinion, I'm not mute and I only talk to gentlemen, he isn't one of them. I think his friend, Heeseung is a perfect example, why shouldn't he teach that rich boy some manners?, I taunted in my head, something I wouldn't dare say out loud.

If I did, I'm dead.

My head snapped back to my teacher who was looking at me in question. I tried the most convincing look I have, they said I'm a master of acting. Of acting fine when inside, it isn't okay at all.

"Mr. Song, I kind of agree with him except for the stupid and mute part when we all know I don't talk to bad boys. Plus, I'm sure Jake would like to have me as his partner instead", I told Mr. Song, hoping it could reach the bottom of his heart.

"No one is switching partners until you finished the project next month", Mr. Song said seriously as his eyes looked between Jay and I.

I tried to say something, but Jay started cursing as if I wanted this more than he disliked it. Did he really have to pinch me a bit on my back? And I'm already preparing myself for him to say that I would do all the work.

It would be better that way. I'll just give him some credits and the 3/4 part of the grades should be mine.

"Now everyone takes a seat with your partner and decides to what will be your take about the Gdp of our economy this year", Mr. Song announced, and after, all you could hear is the desk moving closer to the others like Jay's.

[ Gdp means gross domestic product ]

This is it, I thought as Jay moved up his chair next to mine and the sound was so shrilly, I imagine we were in a thriller movie, This is is how I'm going to die young. And I never got the chance to meet a boyfriend.

Jay suddenly turned to face me with a sneer on his face. He only stopped when one kick from his friend, Heeseung comes down in the back of his seat.

"Stop doing that, you look like a tiger growling for his prey", the nice guy reminded him.

Jay's mouth curled into a snarl before waving his words away and looked at me in disgust. What did I do?

"We'll do this project my way, and talk only when I asked you to, get it?", he says, and there's no reply from me.

"Do you get it?", he said loudly, and now his face was mere inches away from mine.

What was I supposed to say to that? He's scaring me that my breath hitched as I looked the other way, not expecting him to be this close. I could smell his cologne.

He smelled good. I sounded so stupid.

"Yes, I got it, Sir", I mumbled, my voice coming out so feebly small.

It's sad really, I'm already nineteen and reaching twenty yet I still have a bully. I can't even understand why I can never stand up to him. Well, maybe because he is taller and he had once scared my date at prom for the reason, his tux is the same color as his.

And the next thing I know, my date stood me up by going home without saying a thing to me, so I spend the whole night with Jay making fun of the way I'm alone, like he had any date.

From what I remember, he dumped his girlfriend for being too clingy.

"We will discuss this project in my condo and don't you dare bring your nerdy boyfriend with you", he said.

My eyebrows screwed in confusion as I thought of who he must be referrring to. It must be Jake since he was the only I'm always with. My other friends is still in highschool, like Sunoo and Niki for example.

But Jake isn't nerd, not even close to it, he was just studious and was even more active in sport compared to him. He's pretty cool to hang out with. Let's say, more gentleman and cuter, I guess.

"Hey bitch, I'm still talking to you!", Jay sneered, noticing I wasn't listening.

"Sorry, I - I was just thinking of something", I stuttered in response.

"Who were you thinking about, huh? Was it one of your fuckmates?", he demanded. His eyes held a glint of anger before he hide it with a nonchalant look.

My mouth nearly dropped, but like usual, I got control of myself. I know he always think so low of me, and yet it strucked me hard when he's getting out of the line.

And he was very far from the truth. I was still a virgin for crying out loud. The thought of sex scared me especially the pregnancy and what it brought to the women in responsibility. I was innocent in more ways than one, although sometimes I watched the x-rated scenes in movies.

It's not like those clips were real.

Jay must have seen the confusion in my face because he cleared it out by saying, "I heard there's always a number of guys coming out of your dorm room at weekend"

Now I get it. The ones he's talking about is the friends of Jessica and Candy - their friends with benefits - but why is this a problem to Jay, anyway? Where did he hear it from in the first place?

Those guys were nice to me, nice enough to walk around our dorm in their boxers. That's why my door is locked tight at night. When their study sessions is on the roll, the one that comes with sexual pleasure, I have my headphones in the loudest volume to be safe.

"You know, you're kinda cute when your mind is flitting elsewhere", Jay said out of the blue, catching me off guard that I almost didn't hear him.

And by the time I look back at him, it seemed that I wasn't meant to hear it, not when his eyes looks out of it.

Who says I'm the only one off to my own world?

Were any of you liking the way I wrote her pov?

Breaking The Bully ⚊ Enhypen JayWhere stories live. Discover now