✗ 22 ✗

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For starters, just when I think It could get so scary at times, Niki then changed it saying it was boring, so they changed it to something more of a gore about a Clown as well.

It begans with the tale about the old clown costume being owned by demon or something and anyone who had worn it had turned into a cannibal. As cliche as it was, due to the classic assumption, the clown was after kids.

We reached the part where the dad of the kid - the main character or the clown - asked who bullied his son. He mentioned the name and the next scene came to the bad kid alone in his house.

Jake poured more ramen into both of our bowls, insisting that we should finish it all but I knew he was using it as an alibi to avoid looking at the screen.

"Thank you", I said, digging my chopsticks to the noodles. The smell of ramen wafted up from the bowl, and when I tasted it, it still had the same taste I always loved.

"More?", Jake asks, and I rolled my eyes when Niki was calling us to focus on the screen.

"I've only had a spoonful", I said, "But I think I'm going to be okay"

He ducked down the table when the kid playing a game in their living room already noticed the clown behind him. I screamed my lungs out as it skipped to the clown eating him before a blood showered down the screen of his game.

Sunoo and Niki were enjoying themselves even if the next thing the parents of the kid found was his remaining finger.

As I continued to eat my last bowl of ramen and Jake moved to the two boys insisting that they should changed the movie especially when the clown's poor dog had been turned as well.

Sunoo snorted at something Niki said to Jake, and I looked back at them. Over my shoulder, I could see Sunoo stealing the youngest's last piece of gummy bears before eating it secretly behind his back.

I had to bite back a knowing smile as Niki started to get confused when he reached for it, only to find it gone.

"Hyung!", he exclaimed once he realized Sunoo was munching onto something.

"It's not me, I swear", Sunoo said after gulping the last bit of those candies.

"Then who else? I had my eyes on Jake hyung", Niki pointed out, looking so distraught by the lost of his gummy.

Sunoo then pointed his index finger at me, "What about her?"

"I never liked gummy bears, Sunoo. We all know that", I said, as if it really mattered to the grand scheme of things.

"She liked what I cooked more", Jake bragged, his smile so big that you think you've done him a great service.

"But it's unhealthy though if we keep eating it for days", I reminded him especially when it's like every time we were here, ramen is one of our meals.

"And yet you can't resist eating if I asked you to", he said. I wondered if he can read my mind.

"I don't want you to feel bad about the food you prepared", I confessed as if it was just a natural thing to say.

To top it off, I felt a bit ridiculous. I could never have it in me to see a disappointed look from Jake. And when I looked at him, who had a slightly bewildered expression, I laughed. And it felt so strange, but I really had found it all so funny.

And so I laughed, ducking into my hands like an embarassed child. It only took a few seconds for my giggles to subside, and as I looked back at Jake, I was preparing myself for a look of confusion from him and the other two.

But he didn't look like it. His expression had genuinely softened.

"That...", he hesitated, not aware of how Sunoo and Niki was watching him closely like vultures, "That was really pretty. You have a pretty laugh when you're happy, Y/N"

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