✗ 41 ✗

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Really, was this necessary to not give me a break from them?

I had just been sitting in the library, trying to catch up in one of my hardest subject. But I had for some reason, lost Jake again because the season of their soccer games was coming and obviously their coach is taking a lot of their free time for practices.

I was clearly being punished for continuously associating myself with the bully because I was trying to stay from them or rather that was my goal until one of them got in the way.

This time that someone happened to be the cute and charming Heeseung for me. He was about to take a seat beside me, and so naturally Jay had wanted himself to be involved.

"Y/N, I wanted to ask you something before Jay turn up here", he was saying then.

I looked up at him, smiling as he stood before me, "Yes?"

"I was just wondering", he let out a slight breath before looking down at me again with a newly gained confidence, "Are you free this weekend?"

"I'm planning something with my friends..", I said, my voice trailing off curiously.

"With Jake?", he asked me gently.

I nod my head and went to answer him only to be cut off by Jay's voice, making me look up to the source. I glanced over him to see him coming through the door near Heeseung and I.

I narrowed my eyes at him, he had some good timing.

"Why are you asking her out again?", he asked as he approached the two of us and I looked over to Heeseung.

It was obvious from his disappointed reaction alone that he attempted to talk to me when Jay was not around.

"I don't see how that's any of your business, Jay", I interjected, quickly trying to get him to leave.

But Jay being Jay just ignored my words and turned his attention to his friend, his full force glare on him. Heeseung just sighed as he looked back at Jay.

"Jay, stop it", I tried to intercede between the two of them.

"I want to take her on a date", Heeseung answered back and I had to give him some credit for being able to look Jay in the eyes.

He was glaring at him and I knew from experience that Jay's glare could be so scary at times.

But first, I needed to give Heeseung an answer that he so deserved to hear, "I would like -"

"Well, she's already going on one with me at weekend", Jay told him, making my jaw drop and I gave him a firm look, trying to catch his attention.

Surely, that was up for me to decide, right? I also wanted to see what it would be like to go on a date with Heeseung.

This is one in a million chance.

"Is that true, Y/N?", Heeseung then asked me instead, only eyeing me.

Again, I was not allowed to talk for myself when Jay did it for me, "Yes, so go now and leave us alone"

Heeseung recognized that Jay would settle for nothing but him leaving, so he did just that. He turned on his heels and walked out of the library, only for me to feel a few seconds later that my phone vibrated from my bag.

Jay kept his eyes on the door, so I was free to check my phone and I smiled for I see it was Heeseung.

We'll talk later when he's not there anymore.

Maybe after school? I'll go get you at your dorm.

- Heeseung

I looked at back at Jay and narrowed my eyes on him, because really, who the hell did he think he was?

I was not naive to the fact to the rumors that were circulating around the campus about me and Sunghoon revealed it to me in one of my visits to Heeseung's house.

Jay was apparently scaring the guys away who had attempted to get to me or showed interest in biting me to their betting game. But while I appreciated the effort, I did care about protecting my heart.

And I had learnt that it's better for me to move on from Jay, it's better to find someone else. Maybe I could just be his friend if he needed one.

However in order to do that, I have to at least try to get the other guys who will be willing to take care of me. Like Heeseung or maybe even Jake? But with the way Jay was acting, then that would never happen.

"This needs to stop!", I snapped, pushing myself up from the seat to stand in front of Jay.

He turned his attention back to me and raised both of his eyebrows when he caught sight of my expression.

"What are you talking about?", he had the nerve to be clueless.

"You need to stop getting involved with my personal life, Jay!", I waved around a hand to where we last saw Heeseung, "Stop scaring any guy that approached me!"

"And why should I?", he demanded, "They don't know you at all"

"That's because you don't give them a chance to get them to know me!", I was shouting now.

"I'm just doing this to protect you from assholes like me", he said with a clenched jaw and I could tell that he was struggling to stop from shouting.

I let out a deep breath, feeling my irritation continue to grow, "But did I ask you to? Heeseung is not like you or Jake for that matter"

"Just let me do this for you", he uttered indifferently.

"Well, stop it. I don't want your help!", I shouted loudly, attracting the attention of the other people near to us, "Stop trying to protect me, damn it! You had done it repeatedly to me before!"

Everyone fell silent and I knew for sure that they were listening. Jay was just appalled by what I said. When he looked at me like that, as if only realising just now that I feel the same thing as him, I actually believed for a single second that he liked me the same way I liked him.

"Of course I'm doing this for you now to stop it from happening", he said as though it were obvious.

I sighed quietly, my voice now quieter, "Just - Jay, why do you care so much whether or not I get hurt?"

"Because I knew what I had done to you", he ruffled his hair and I closed my eyes momentarily, "I need to know that you don't get hurt by any guy again. And I need to make sure that I don't end up being the one that breaks it"

"Jay", I tried to interrupt but he shush me off.

"I can't let some other d*ck next to you because I'm scared that they'll hurt you and it would kill me. But that's just not the only reason why", he admitted with a bitter laugh as I keep on listening to him now.

"I can't let them near you because I don't think that I can take seeing other guy hold your hand or kiss you", he continued, and I can't blame my heart for suddenly wilding out.

And so it goes on, "I'm too selfish to let another guy that isn't me into your heart but I'm too scared to go after you myself. What if I break your heart myself?"

I watched him closely as he made sure to avoid my gaze, "What?"

Jay glanced back at me before closing the space between us. His hands rose slowly to take a hold of my waist as he said a quiet, "I'm sorry for this"

I had no time to ask what he was apologizing for when he placed his lips over mine in a small, scared kiss. He pulled away from me too soon before I could kiss him back as he set his forehead on mine.

I watched him closely as he kept his eyes closed, "Jay, what does this mean?"

"I'm inlove with you, can't you see that?", he confessed to me helplessly before he straightened up, his eyes opening.

He removed his hands from my waist and he turned to walk away from me as he slipped his hands into his pockets, his head bowed to the floor as he walked out of the library.

Why is it when you think you already know everything, people comes back to prove you wrong?

This was getting more attention from what I can see. Why is that?

Breaking The Bully ⚊ Enhypen JayWhere stories live. Discover now