✗ 17 ✗

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We were in front of a glistening lake under the setting sun and there was a great tree house above the waters with a sweeping stairs trailing down to the bottom. It was beautiful for me because I had once dreamt of it back then.

But how did Jay find this and who owns it?

"It's beautiful, but aren't we practically trespassing?", I asked to him, quite amazed at his boldness to enter here.

"My family owns this", he whispered back, looking at me with an emotion I couldn't decipher.

I blushed when he looked at me that way and got concern all of a sudden, wishing he wouldn't see it or I'm doom to fail. Clearing my throat, I looked away from him and gaze up to the tree house.

Don't you dare fall on that asshole, Y/N, you have a game to play, right? I commanded myself to remember.

"Let's go up there", he said excitingly while starting to go up the steps.

He moved forward and forgot I was resting on him, which resulted in me losing my balance and falling to my knees. Letting out a groan from the pain, I pushed myself off the ground and glared at him.

"You little shit, you plan that, don't you?", I said and growled at him.

He chuckled, "Next time, always be on the look out when it comes to me"

"Are you trying to say that you'll still be bullying me?", I demanded while raising my eyebrow.

"I didn't say that", Jay rushed out, holding up his hands as if to appease me.

"Because I know you, Jay, you didn't bring me here without a reason", I stated, reminding him of the things he usually did.

"But why did you still come with me?", he asked, sarcasm dripping in his tone.

"I didn't. You picked me up and take off the school with me", I answered back lamely.

"And you snuggled against me when I carried you, tell me, doesn't that mean anything for you?", he joked, but I could feel there was another tone to it.

I raised my eyebrow up to him, "I'm tired of bickering with you. Can we just climb up now?"

"Fine. But this isn't over", he muttered while pointing a finger at me.

I rolled my eyes at his childishness before he turned to climb up the stairs and I'm just a one step behind him. I really wanted to ask him why he brought me here but forced myself to keep my mouth shut especially when we reach the top and he opens the door to us.

There was a single bed along a collection of knick knacks around the carpeted floor. The two windows overlooked the lake, some bean bags facing the desk and what I probably liked the most, there was some comics and books in one of the shelves.

"You can be at home here. I'm just going to lie to get a nap", Jay chuckled as he moved away from me.

When I turned around, he was already lying down the bed and closing his eyes. Will he really be sleeping on me? I watched him until I felt ridiculous in appreciating the view of Park Jay.

And then I realized I should look away, so I sat up in the bean bag with my back to him.

I supposed I should look around for clues here on how Jay was like if he's not at school - if I ever found any information about him, that is. Sighing in disappointment and frustration, I ran my hand through my hair, tugging at the end with my fingers.

I stared down at the shelves, focusing on the color of the old wood, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see a shadow moved behind me.

I looked behind me, "Jay?", I was about to stand up when he stopped in front of me.

He didn't say or do anything. He just stood there, looking at me. I looked back at him. It lasted for too many elongated moments.

We both just stare, not quite sure what to say or do. He then stepped forward and held out a comic book to me. When I looked at him, confused, he thrust it further at me and I took it gingerly, looking up at Jay.

"You liked manga books, right? Is this right up your alley?", he said while looking elsewhere.

Sure enough, when I flipped it over, I discovered it was the first publication of Ao Haru Ride. This is hard to find in our city and Jay had gone out of his way to give me one which deemed to me rather un-Jay-like.

You have to remember that he hadn't confirmed it yet, I scolded myself.

"Where did you buy it? Online?", I asked quietly.

"Move a bit", Jay said, his voice cutting across mine as I nodded, scooting to give him a space and not really sure on what to say.

He slowly sit beside me, not saying a word. We both sat there in silence, so I return back to the comic book. As I read, I could feel Jay's eyes on me. They burned into me and it made me uncomfortable but I couldn't let it show.

"Y/N", he then said my name.

I looked up at him, "Yes?"

"Why are you so difficult?", he asked, resting his hand on the desk before us. I blinked at him, "I hated the way you always looked so scared of me"

"What do you mean?", I asked. I could feel my heart raise rise, he is scaring me.

"You know what I mean", he said, his voice now sinking into that soft and slow velocity in  deadly calm tone.

"I don't. I really don't get you", I replied.

And yet Jay swept around me so swiftly until he was completely facing me. He leaned down so he was incredibly close to me, so close I could smell his scent.

He reminded me of the time I once sneaked away in our camping day at school because I saw a kitten and followed it down near the woods besides our school. It had been full of fright and worry. I had gotten out unharmed and with the kitten, but it had been the scariest time of my life in highschool.

And he was there, he said he followed me in order to tell a word to the teacher. But he was the one to lead us back to the camp.

"I maybe a mystery by now but I promise you this, by the time this school year ends, I would show myself to you", he whispered into my ear, his breath surprisingly too warm.

"Am I making you uncomfortable, Y/N?", his voice had turned into a chuckle, like he was having fun.

Now I understood Jake's warning and I had so desperately not wanted to.

"No", I said, stern, keeping my eyes straight on his. I wanted to hold my ground, to show him that he couldn't break me.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm not going to hurt you", Jay tucked a bit of hair behind my ear, his fingers sending tingles down my neck, "So long as you listen to me"

"You know, Park Jay, I don't know you and you will certainly don't know me"

With that, I stormed pass him and I moved quickly, wanting to get out of the tree house as soon as I could.

I could feel his gaze into my back, almost feel the impact of this gaze ripping through the other side; out of my chest. He was doing this on purpose! He was scaring me, making it easier for me to cry.

And even as I got down the stairs with him trying to call me, his words rotated in my head, echoing as they bounced off the other side of my brain. He was going to break me.

Park Jay was not going to break me. I will break him.

There was no other option and if there's so happened to be one, I wasn't going to leave a room for it.

Breaking The Bully ⚊ Enhypen JayWhere stories live. Discover now